Air freight statistics in Lucerne
In 2019, goods totalling CHF 157 billion (USD 161 billion) of 50% of all exported goods left Switzerland by air, and the share of overseas destinations even exceeded 80% (35% for imports).
These are just a few of the data contained in the study «Schweizer Luftfrachtlogistik 2020» (Swiss air cargo logistics 2020) which was presented at the Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne today, 26 August 2020. The study was conducted during the first half of the year by the Institute for Supply Chain Management of the University of St. Gall.
Around 120 participants will attend the presentation by the director of the institute Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stölzle this afternoon and then also take part in the forum with six other talks.
Ten years after the first study, the report focuses on customer perspectives, digitalisation, climate and environmental protection, framework conditions and – in keeping with the current situation which led to the postponement of the event originally planned for April 2020 – the air cargo industry in times of crisis. (ah)