ACS volunteers keep test kit supplies flowing
Air Charter Service has arranged hundreds of successful charter flights containing test kits into UK over the past 18 months. When the staff shortages affecting the cargo industry put the schedule of two new urgent flights in doubt, the global aircraft charter company called on volunteers from its Surbiton headquarters to help unload by hand over two million vital Covid-19 tests at Birmingham Airport.
Dan Morgan-Evans, group cargo director at ACS: “We had volunteers from our marketing, accounts, legal, bid & contracts, customer experience, IT and HR teams, all willing to get up early and to travel to Birmingham to do their bit in keeping this essential cargo coming into the country. I was so proud to see everyone pull together to get the job done." (cj)
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kq33uNVwC-I&feature=youtu.be