AAPA upgrades management
The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) has instated Mario Cordero, the executive director of the Californian port of Long Beach, as its new chairman of the board for the usual two-year term. Cordero was already elected to the role at the association's spring conference in March; now he was formally installed during the AAPA’s virtual 2020 annual convention late in September.
At its AGM, the association voted to extend board member terms from one to two years, to reduce the 45-member board of directors to eleven people, and to disband its duplicative twelve-member executive committee. The AGM also saw many new directors elected.
AAPA president and CEO Christopher J. Connor believes that " we've struck just the right balance so all the voices of our member ports and regions will be heard in crafting AAPA policy and programmes, now and in the years to come." (amh)