100 years ago and one month ago
In between 24 and 25 April 2020, it will be exactly 100 years ago that the Dornier Do Gs 1 was sunk in Kiel on Germany’s Baltic Sea coast. The predecessor of the Dornier Do J (aka whale) flying boat series, which operated, inter alia, a mail liner service between Germany and South America from 1933-1938, was manufactured in Switzerland in 1919 in accordance with the Versailles Treaty. In order to prevent the aircraft being handed over to the WWI victors, Germany decided to destroy it.
And now there is new news from Dornier: The prototype SN1003, a new generation of the Dornier Seastar amphibious aircraft performed its first flight on 28 March 2020 at Oberpfaffenhofen airport. The cargo configuration of the German-Chinese joint venture offers 9.9 cbm of available cargo space with a maximum length of 5.21 m for bulk cargo. (ah)