Shuttle to link Kiel-Norwegenkai and Hamburg-Billwerder 

The German intermodal provider, Kombiverkehr, is creating a link between the port of Kiel’s Norwegenkai and Hamburg-Billwerder. The company said that Norwegenkai will be once again connected to various domestic terminal locations in the de.NETdirekt+ network and certain... more
MSC and Messina finally engaged 

Switzerland-based MSC has acquired 49% of the Messina Group's shares. Banca Carige and Messina say that they have reached a final agreement about the debt terms and that they believe the MSC Group will play an active role as a new partner. Messina Group, Banca Carige and... more
Sören Stark succeeds Thomas Stüger 

Lufthansa Technik has appointed Sören Stark as the new board member for technical operations, logistics and IT. In that position, he is responsible for fleet services, base maintenance, components, logistics, IT and quality management. Stark has already worked for various... more
Qatar Cargo adds second Mexican destination to transpac... 

As of 6 January, Guadalajara airport (GDL) became a new destination on Qatar Airways' high demand transpacific freighter route. The twice-weekly B777F service flies directly from Macau to Los Angeles, then onward to Mexico City, before arriving in Guadalajara. The aircraft... more
Facility for hazardous materials 

Imperial Logistics opened a new hazardous materials warehouse near Osnabrück (Germany) in December. The site, which features the latest safety and environmental protection systems, has created 70 new jobs. Imperial Logistics has been honing its expertise in chemical... more
New York’s shortline railway under new management 

The 80 km long Ithaca Central Railroad (ITHR), running from Sayre PA to Ludlowville NY, recently started operations. Manager Watco leases the US railroad from Norfolk Southern Railway (NS). The ITHR, which interchanges with NS at Sayre, will ship approximately 12,000 carloads... more
“Curiosity of the Day” 
Milhouse, Bart Simpson’s best friend, is voiced by women in both the English and German versions of the Simpsons. more
Delivery speed and transport costs drive traffic volume 

According to the Russia-based United Transport and Logistics Company - Eurasian Railway Alliance (UTLC ERA), its 2018 traffic volume rose to between 275,000 and 280,000 teu, 60% more than the 175,800 teu in 2017. UTLC ERA expects to transport about 350,000 teu this year. In... more
More ATSG planes to fly for Amazon 

Air Transport Services Group (ATSG), an Ohio (USA)-based provider of medium wide-body cargo aircraft leasing, air cargo transport and related services, has agreed to lease and operate ten additional B767 freighters for Services. In addition, ATSG will extend... more
Port of Malaga: certification for Noatum Terminals 

Noatum Terminals’ facility in the port of Malaga (Spain) has been awarded the GMP + Feed Safety Assurance (FSA) certificate, which guarantees that all the products intended for animal fodder in all the links of the food chain are harmless. The GMP+FSA certificate is an... more