TX Logistik gains B licence for Danish rail network 

TX Logistik (TXL) has received the green light to provide transport services on its own behalf on the Danish rail network, effective immediately. The Danish ministry of transport recently issued the necessary B licence to this effect. With this permit, TXL expands its... more
Guido Henke leaves Latam Cargo 

Guido Henke, cargo director Europe, will be leaving the Latam Group in the coming months, after 23 years of service. Henke will remain in charge of his current responsibilities until 31 July 2019. He has held management positions in different regions of the group. He is... more
Ceva gains exemptions 

Ceva Logistics applied to SIX Exchange Regulation requesting exemption from certain disclosure and publicity obligations. The application was filed following the settlement of the public tender offer by CMA CGM for all publicly held registered shares of Ceva. On 24 May 2019,... more
Purple island hoppers 

For the second year in a row Emirates SkyCargo cooperated with Gargash, a large luxury car distributor in the UAE, as part of the latter’s involvement in the Gumball 3000 Rallye. Four racing cars were transported to Mykonos and then picked up again on Ibiza. more
Air and sea freight hub for Rhenus at Leipzig/Halle airport 

Rhenus has started operating its own business location for air and sea freight at the airport in Leipzig (Germany), thus expanding its network in the eastern and central parts of the country. The new branch has a direct link to the Rhenus group’s international network... more
APL reduces emissions 

APL has announced that it achieved a 47.4% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions per container transported per kilometre in 2018, compared to its base level in 2009. The result follows the environmental performance assessment (EPA) of APL’s 2018 carbon dioxide emission... more
Europe Net to cooperate with Guretruck 

The German-based ADAC Truckservice subsidiary Europe Net and the Spanish-based Guretruck will cooperate in the field of roadside supply. Europe Net will expand its Europe-wide cash assistance service and at the same time provide pan-European roadside assistance for 23,000... more
New head for UK bureau 

Eagle Ocean Agencies, which operates Eagle Ocean Marine (EOM), has announced that Richard Linacre, an experienced P&I professional with a broad industry background, is joining Shipowners Claims Bureau in London (UK). Recruited to undertake an important market liaison... more
Asky launches services to South Africa 

The Pan-African Airline Asky will launch daily flights from its Lomé (Togo) hub to Johannesburg, beginning tomorrow, 15 June 2019. South Africa's financial and economic capital will be connected to Asky's network of 23 other destinations within west and central Africa via Douala... more
From Hamburg to Latin America 

The Hamburg-based carrier Hapag-Lloyd reports a change to its board. Chief financial officer Nicolás Burr will leave the company in February 2020 at the end of his contract to take over new projects in Chile. Burr was appointed CFO of Hapag-Lloyd in March 2015 and therefore... more