Younger generation takes over the helm at Med-X-Press 

Karl-Heinz Dörhage, the founder of the Med-X-Press company, will hand over the running of the business to his son Lars Dörhage on 1 July 2019. Lars Dörhage joined the management back in 2009 and has been playing an active role in shaping the pharma service provider’s business... more
Bolloré Logistics creates new subsidiary 

Bolloré Logistics has created a company that will provide local logistics services in France. Bolloré Solutions Logistiques will supply customers with logistics solutions either on site or as part of dedicated projects. The new entity will offer added-value logistics... more
Speeding up rail transports to Romania 

A new railfreight shuttle allows DB Cargo to offer faster deliveries to Romania and expand its single wagonload network. The new service from Ruhr region and northern Germany to Craiova in Romania takes three days in each direction. In addition, this regular direct... more
Lots of news from Korean Air Cargo 

Korean Air Cargo is leaving Basel (Switzerland). As from 6 July 2019, the weekly B777F flights, which the Asian carrier has been operating from Seoul (South Korea) to the tri-border region in northwest Switzerland for years, will be moved to Zurich. Freight forwarders said:... more
“Curiosity of the Day” 
Felicity Aston of Great Britain was the first woman to cross the Antarctic on her own. In the winter of 2011 she covered the distance of 1,744 km on skies. more
Honours for CMSA and OPC in Latin America 

The terminals Contecon Manzanillo (CMSA) in Colima (Mexico) and Operadora Portuaria Centroamericana (OPC) in Cortes (Honduras) both run by ICTSI, were certified internationally with the seal of “fair logistics” by the Texas-based world organisation of cities and logistics... more
François Davenne will be director general of UIC 

François Davenne was presented as the new director general of UIC, the worldwide railway organisation, at the UIC general assembly. The appointment will take effect on 1 July 2019 with a four-year mandate. Davenne succeeds Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, who served as UIC’s director... more
Laying the foundations for logistics hub 

The express service provider trans-o-flex has laid the foundation stone for a new logistics centre in Hamm-Rhynern (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany). The company not only wants to increase its capacity and productivity, but also reduce its ecological footprint. Around EUR 17... more
Gaining a strong presence in Bangladesh 

DB Schenker, which is present at 2,000 sites in more than 130 countries, has founded a new subsidiary in Bangladesh. As a local entity within the Indian cluster organisation, Schenker Logistics Bangladesh offers the full range of the global freight forwarder’s portfolio.... more
Boosting the development of Europe's railways 

Europe’s railway research and innovation specialists are showing a strong interest in deepening their collaboration, as the 2019 Shift2Rail call for proposals prompts requests for R&I funding worth EUR 76.8 million. Following its 2019 call, the Shift2Rail joint... more