“Curiosity of the Day” 
The largest known dish is roasted camel. To this day, it is still served at some Bedouin weddings. The camel is stuffed with a whole lamb, 20 chickens and 60 eggs. more
EUR 2 billion for digital transformation 

Deutsche Post DHL Group has presented its new group strategy. Until 2025, the group will be spending around EUR 2 billion on digitalisation – this sum is already included in the planned Opex and Capex spending. The digitalisation investment is expected to lead to yearly run rate... more
Turning assistant to become compulsory for long trucks 

The turning assistant is to become compulsory in Germany for new long trucks as from 1.7.2020 and for all other trucks as from 1.7.2022. According to the German federal ministry of transport (BMVI), more routes are to be added to the authorised network. This means that long... more
Capacities at the Cape 

Cape Town, the host of this year’s Fiata World Congress, is set to be re-connected nonstop to the USA again from 15 December. The skies in neighbouring countries are also full of good news. Here’s a brief overview – without making any claim for completeness. more
New service links Italy to Hupac's European network 

The Swiss intermodal operator Hupac has opened up north-east Italy for combined transport: the Pordenone terminal, managed by Hupac, is linked by daily connections to all major destinations in central-north Europe. The direct trains connect Pordenone (Italy) and Duisburg... more
Magma Aviation launches new Kigali service 

Starting today, 2 October 2019, UK-based Magma Aviation, which provides worldwide air freight transportation on a regular and charter basis, continues to focus on its Africa services, launching a weekly B747F flight from Liège (Belgium) to Kigali (Ruanda). Flying on behalf... more
Ports of Auckland calls 2019 a "tough year" 

Ports of Auckland has reported its results of the first six months. Group revenue rose slightly to NZD 248.1 million from NZD 243.2 million in H1/2018. The reported net profit after tax was NZD 53.9 million, considerably lower compared to NZD 76.8 million for the previous... more
Jesper Kjaedegaard joins the Marcura group as senior adviser 

The board of the Marcura group has announced that Jesper Kjaedegaard has joined the group as senior adviser. A highly respected shipping personality, Kjaedegaard currently serves as partner of Mercator International and has previously served as CEO of Maersk, chairman of... more
More hinterland connections in China 

With a new railway link from Chongqing in the southwest of China to the port of Qinzhou in the south of the country, cargo-partner covers 16 provinces in western and central China and thus reaches all the important production sites in the Chinese hinterland. The new rail... more
Noatum Logistics acquires PT. JCL Indonesia 

Noatum Logistics has taken another step forward in its internationalisation in Asia with the acquisition of PT. JCL Indonesia, with offices in Jakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Bandung and Yogyakarta. Rafael Torres, CEO of Noatum Logistics: "With this additional geographical... more