Boeing announces key leadership changes 

Boeing has announced key organization and leadership changes as of 1 May. A newly formed enterprise operations, finance & strategy group will consolidate several important areas, bringing together teams responsible for manufacturing, supply chain and operations, finance,... more
"Curiosity of the Day" 
Before Google launched Gmail, "G-Mail" was the name of a free email service offered by Garfield's website. more
Infrastructure upgrade to improve rail services 

Watco customers served by three Midwest (USA)-based short line railroads will notice a service improvement thanks to two grants that have been awarded to the lines. The grants, combined ith Watco’s match, total USD 61.4 million. The infrastructure improvements will be made on... more
New port community software in Dunkirk 

Now it's official - the C.C.S.Hauts-de-France company, whose sole partner is the Maritime and Commercial Union representing the Dunkirk port community, will introduce Cargo Community System Ci5 for managing its flow of goods. The contract for a renewable five-year period was... more
Holding a partial party 

Lamprecht Transport’s 75th anniversary and the passing on of the baton from the third to the fourth generation are taking place in turbulent times. Christian Doepgen strictly kept his 2 m of distance from Thomas Lamprecht and Jenny Vargas-Lamprecht in their office in Basel. more
New businesses in Addis Ababa and Kuala Lumpur 

After months of negotiation, Maskargo welcomed its new business partner Ethiopian Airlines at Kuala Lumpur airport earlier this month. The weekly B777F service offers an 80 t payload on the route Brussels-Dubai-Kuala Lumpur-Brussels. Due to the Covid-19 situation, the launch was... more
Hupac launches UK - Italy shuttle 

The Swiss intermodal operator Hupac has launched a new service in cooperation with A2B-online at the port of Moerdijk (Netherlands). In the Netherlands, the new shuttle train runs between RTC Geleen and CCT Moerdijk on Mondays (from 20 April 2020), and allows for seamless short... more
Time-critical shipments for Covid-19 testing 

On behalf of a multinational healthcare provider, Gefco has transported 30 t of medical equipment, including Covid-19 testing kits, from France to destinations in Algeria, Tunisia and the Antilles to support hospitals and private laboratories with increased demand. Gefco’s... more
Wade Judge joins Realterm as vice-chairman 

Realterm has appointed Wade Judge as vice-chairman. He joins the company after a 44-year career with the JLL organization, the last 28 years of which were with La Salle Investment Management. Judge will take a seat on Realterm's executive committee and the firm's investment... more
Chinese masks en route to Russia 

RZD Logistics (RZDL) is organizing a series of shipments of medical devices from China to different Russian cities to aid their battle against Covid-19. The deliveries are carried out on behalf of the Russian government. The first container train, which departed from... more