Airbridges from China to Nantes and from Vietnam to Columbus 

The New York-based apparel solutions provider Wen-Parker Logistics has chartered Ohio's five first direct flights from Vietnam through Columbus Rickenbacker. Bryan Schreiber, manager, air cargo business development for the Columbus Regional Airport Authority, points out that,... more
Reducing C02 emissions by more than 714,000 t 

Russian Railways plans to invest over RUB 4 billion (EUR 0.051 million) in environmental conservation in 2020. By implementing air protection measures in 2020, the company expects to cut emissions of harmful substances by 13,000 t, including 1,000 t from stationary sources such... more
Tigers expands into new Rotterdam warehouse 

Supply chain specialist Tigers has expanded into a newly built 50,'000 sqm omnichannel fulfilment facility in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, offering sustainable e-commerce products and low-cost last mile B2B and B2C solutions across Europe. The carbon neutral warehouse has... more
ZIM sailing into the black? 

The Haifa (Israel)-headquartered shipping company ZIM has reported its Q1/2020 results. All major indicators improved in comparison to the same period in 2019, yet a net loss of USD 11.9 million compared to USD 24.3 million in Q1/2019 resulted at the of the quarter. While... more
UN organisations issue joint declaration 

The International Civil Aviation Organisation (Icao) has joined the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in issuing a new statement on the need to ensure ‘key worker’ designations for the millions of skilled personnel now... more
Asian and African airports pave the "Runway to Extinction" 

According to "Runway to Extinction", the most comprehensive assessment of wildlife trafficking in the air transport sector to date, published last month, by far most "trade lanes" pass through Asia and Africa. The reports builds on the previous Routes... more
Change of systems in the port of Bordeaux 

The French port company Bordeaux Informatique Portuaire + (BIP +), a subsidiary of Union Maritime et Portuaire de Bordeaux, has chosen Ci5, a product of Marseille Gyptis International (MGI), to manage the port's digital flow of goods. Ci5 will succeed the former cargo... more
Daily trailer service between UK and the Netherlands 

Davies Turner will strengthen its portfolio of scheduled daily overland trailer services between the UK and the Netherlands following the signing of an exclusive cooperation agreement with the Dutch subsidiary of the Mainfreight Group. From 1 June 2020, daily overland... more
Imperial renews automotive logistics contract 

Imperial’s UK organisation has been re-appointed to provide JIT (just in time) and JIS (just in sequence) logistics for a car manufacturer. The renewed contract comprises three elements: nationwide transport, collecting components and assemblies from 19 suppliers and... more
Mission to Seafarers appoints two new vice presidents 

The Mission to Seafarers has elected two new vice presidents: Esben Poulsson, chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping and chairman of Enesel and Grahaeme Henderson, vice president, Shell Shipping & Maritime. This is an important role, appointed for a four year... more