Kribi criteria fulfilled 

Ongoing throughput growth in many ports in Sub-Saharan Africa has whetted the appetite of several international port and terminal operators. ICTSI advanced recently when it signed a 25-year contract in Kribi. more
Transporting art in Austria 

Dealing with art takes time – and money – for museums, galleries and art lovers. Now a new insurance policy is available in Austria for all parties involved to protect themselves against damages during the occasional transport of pieces of art. more
Go-between for state and market 

Changing the guard isn’t always a clean break – but Hans-Peter Hadorn’s succession is different. Since 2008 the director of the Port of Switzerland of many years standing has helped to create the organisation as we know it. The search for his successor focuses on the... more
The price is never on ice 

A new transport price index provided by LAE and DKV promises rapid and reliable predictions concerning the development of freight costs in Germany’s road haulage industry. The projections are based on huge data volumes. more
From top to toe 

The French line CMA CGM has introduced a Mediterranean service, improving connections between Turkey and southern Italy. Railway links to northern Italy will augment the calls. Options to and from Malta and Tunisia remain. more
Securely packed, off to India 

Cargo that needs special protection is provided with suitable packaging by the company Zaugg Emballeur. In spring it prepared a machine 8 m long for a demanding transport to India. Zaugg made sure that it took the customer’s requirements into account. more
Half empty or half full? 

How full are the planes now plying their trade across global skies really? To what extent have reactions to the outbreak of Covid-19 changed freight’s status in the industry? What next over the coming months? Here are a few answers. more
Growing fleets for many players 

Several Swiss transport firms have extended their fleets with models made by Renault Trucks. The lorries can be deployed in a multitude of tasks – as witnessed by their cargos of delicacies, general cargo or concrete. more
Predecessor and successor 

At the beginning of June Zeno D’Agostino, the president of Italy’s Port Network Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea, who has been in office since November 2016, was deposed. Mario Sommariva was appointed temporary managing commissioner in his place. In Trieste, the new (and... more
Swiss Worldcargo further expands summer timetable 

Swiss Worldcargo will expand its summer timetable until the end of October 2020. The cargo division of Swiss will add new destinations to its network in the coming weeks, connecting Switzerland to Canada once again with the launch of flights to Montreal, beginning 14 July.... more