Redelivery of IAI's first P2F B737-700 freighter 

Israel Aerospace Industry (IAI) Aviation Group has delivered the first passenger-to-freight (P2F) converted B737-700 to Tianjin Cargo Airlines, which will become the first operator of this type of aircraft in China. The conversion work was carried out at the Tianjin MRO... more
David Goh appointed VP Asia Pacific 

Software provider PTV Group has appointed David Goh vice president APAC, with responsibility for the Asia Pacific Region. Goh will bring the profound experience he gained at Daimler, where he has worked as general manager APAC since 2011, and in previous positions in... more
From Dubai to a second point in Mexico 

Emirates Skycargo is commencing twice weekly scheduled cargo flights to Guadalajara from this week. The service to Mexico’s tech hub will be operated by a B777F offering around 100 t of cargo capacity per flight. The carrier's second cargo destination in Mexico and its 15th... more
USA: safe rail-shipping practices honoured 

Norfolk Southern recognises 58 chemical customers who earned its 2019 thoroughbred chemical safety award for safely handling products regulated as hazardous materials in the USA. These companies safely shipped at least 1,000 carloads – a combined total of more than 284,000... more
Clipper Group chooses CEO 

Effective 1 October, Amrit Peter Kalsi is the new CEO of Clipper Group and CEO for Clipper Bulk, succeeding Peter Norborg, who is leaving the group. Kalsi has worked in shipping since 1994 and joined Clipper in 2011. Since then he has moved from vice president to senior vice... more
M&M launches Austrian affiliate 

The Militzer & Münch group has now put its Austrian office in Vienna into operation. The focus will be on providing logistics services and rail transports for markets in central and eastern Europe. Nikolay Gueorguiev has been appointed as branch manager to head the new... more
Another cyber victim 

The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has confirmed that it has been hit by a cyber-attack against its IT-systems. The UN organisation spoke of “technical issues” at first, but declared by the end of the week on its official Twitter account that the troubles - the... more
90 years ago today: the end of British airship plans 

Exactly 90 years ago, on 5 October 1930, R101, with a length of 237 m the longest airship of its time, crashed on its first flight from Cardington (UK) via Ismailia (Egypt) to Karachi in modern Pakistan. The explosion near Beauvais (75 km north of Paris) killed 48 of the 54... more
ICS publishes updated corona guidance 

The first guidance of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) for the global shipping industry to help combat the spread of Covid-19 was issued in March 2020. Since a great deal has changed since spring this year, the ICS has now published a new, fully updated version of... more
New 40 t truck to supply stonemasons 

The vehicle fleet of Cosentino, a Swiss manufacturer of surfaces for residential and commercial premises based in Neuhaus, has recently welcomes a new Renault truck. It is used to deliver supplies to stonemasons across Switzerland. The T460 T4x2 is authorised for a total... more