DB Cargo to invest in logistics for steel giant 

DB Cargo has signed a ten-year contract with Arcelor Mittal, the world's largest steel company, to supply its blast furnace in Eisenhüttenstadt, Germany. By next summer, DB Cargo will purchase 352 multi-functional double wagons and 1,408 special containers to transport ore,... more
XPO promotes Patricia Sánchez 

Global logistics solutions provider XPO Logistics has promoted Patricia Sánchez to the newly created position of customer service leader for the company’s business in Iberia and Morocco. Sánchez, who joined XPO in 2015 in the role of operational excellence manager and has... more
Inaction risks wave of bankruptcies 

New research of the International Road Union (IRU) reveals the continuing catastrophic impact of Covid-19 on the commercial road transport industry, with a very high default and insolvency risk across the sector worldwide. Ranked on a risk scale from one to ten, all regions... more
Baltic Exchange's air freight indices take off 

The Baltic Exchange, which already provides benchmark assessments for the maritime markets, has launched weekly air freight indices. As announced earlier this year, it has partnered with Hong Kong-based air cargo pricing publisher TAC Index, published since 2016, and the new... more
A French coup and a new split 

The internationalisation of the Versmold (Germany)-headquartered Nagel-Group, which started about twenty years ago, is undergoing a reshuffle. Under the direction of group's new CEO Carsten Taucke, a part of the network is to be sold: the French provider of... more
Upward trend in hinterland traffic confirmed 

Good news from the international association of ports and harbours WPSP Covid-19 task which has released its fourteenth report since April and the initial global outbreak of Covid-19, based on the data of 73 world ports. The most significant result of the survey is the... more
One month to go for MAP candidates 

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will accept applications from airport sponsors through 17 December 2020, under the fiscal year 2021 military airport programme (MAP). The MAP, for which the FAA has funded approximately USD 753 million since 1991, provides funding... more
ICC decides for DIT 

The ICC Arbitral Tribunal ruled on 13 November 2020 that a new call for tenders must be launched for concessions for the port of Douala in Cameroun - including the port and terminal operator Douala International Terminal (DIT), a subsidiary of APMT and Bolloré Groups. The... more
Twelve UK logisticians of the year 

Twelve of the UK’s finest logistics businesses celebrated last week after being recognised as the 'best of the best' at the 2020 Logistics Awards of Logistics UK (a trading name of FTA), sponsored by the Port of Dover. The awards celebrate supply chain leadership and... more
First transport of coke to Italy completed 

PKP Cargo International has transported the first train hauled by a multisystem locomotive with a load of 1,220 t of coke from Ostrava in Czechia to the Slovenian-Italian border crossing station Villa Opicina. This was the first journey of the carrier’s locomotive on Italian... more