Capital, state, region 

The first half of 2021 saw almost 1.9 million t of goods transported on the inland waterways in the two German federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg. This is 9.4% less than in the first half of 2020. Developments were uneven in the two regions. more
Trieste - Villach service launched 

ÖBB Rail Cargo Group (RCG) is now expanding its network for conventional wagonloads with a new TransFER connection between Villach in Austria and Trieste in Italy. Departure times can be arranged individually for this nonstop service, which RCG is operating with its own traction... more
New mentorship scheme for WAL 

Women in Aviation and Logistics (WAL) has launched a new mentorship scheme and resource hub to host its searchable female speaker database to support and encourage the next generation of female executives. The scheme is free to join and will bring together industry leaders,... more
ITS on the digitisation wave 

During the ITS World Congress that is being held in Hamburg this week, the entire city around the trade fair and the port operations has become a real-life laboratory for intelligent transport systems. Until Friday, 15 October 2021, around 10,000 participants will learn... more
Kangaroo to stop in Darwin, not Perth 

Starting today in a month, on 14 November 2021, Qantas Airways will operate its flagship direct route to London via Darwin when Australia's border reopens. The airline has agreed with regional authorities to reroute its flights from Sydney and Melbourne (from 18 December)... more
More distribution in Saudi Arabia 

Al Maya Group, a large FMCG retailer based in the UAE and with over 90 stores in the Middle East, is transforming its warehouse management. The Dubai-headquartered company has selected the LFS warehouse management system from Ehrhardt Partner Group (EPG), among others, to... more
Julien Prével deputy managing director of Soget 

Soget's supervisory board has unanimously elected Julien Prével, human resources director and member of the management board, as deputy managing director. Prével holds a DESS (specialised graduate diploma) in international trade/marketing from the University of Le Havre... more
China-USA freight rates relax grip 

In its current analysis, New York-based intelligence provider and digital freight forwarding company Shifl notes that China-US spot freight rates have passed their peak over the last four weeks. With Chinese manufacturers slowing down production with the off-season coming... more
USA eases entry restrictions for fully vaccinated 

In early November, the United States will begin allowing fully vaccinated travellers from Mexico or Canada to enter the country by vehicles, rail and ferries for non-essential reasons. Travellers will be required to have appropriate paperwork that provides proof of vaccination.... more
Fourkites picks Marc Boileau 

Marc Boileau joins Fourkites, a realtime supply chain visibility platform, as senior vice president, sales and carrier operations, EMEA. Boileau has held leadership roles at supply chain visibility companies, including project44 and Transporean. “I am thrilled to be joining... more