Final result of the public exchange of Panalpina shares
On 13 May 2019, DSV published a public exchange offer for all publicly held registered shares of Panalpina. Yesterday, 13 August 2019, DSV released the definitive notice of the final result of the offer. Up to the expiration of the additional acceptance period on 7 August... plus
BLG handles logistics for fischerwerke
With immediate effect, BLG Logistics has taken charge of all logistic services for articles from the fischer-System-Tec-product portfolio and the fischer standard fixings range as a strategic partner of the Fischer group. After the contract was signed in May 2019, the first... plus
DB Schenker tests nationwide use of exoskeletons
DB Schenker has intensively and successfully tested the use of exoskeletons at several logistics locations. The logistics services provider thus continues its efforts to relieve warehouse staff of physically-demanding tasks. Exoskeletons, also known as outer skeletons or... plus
AIT Worldwide Logistics acquires US freight forwarder
AIT Worldwide Logistics has acquired Unitrans International Corporation, a Los Angeles (USA)-based freight forwarder with expertise in a variety of specialised services. “I’m excited to continue the implementation of AIT’s growth strategy with our investment in this... plus
iHerb chooses Ceva Logistics’ eCommerce services
Ceva Logistics has been chosen by the natural health products company iHerb to provide air export services to Japan and Singapore from its newly opened logistics and distribution centre near South Korea's Incheon International Airport, the country’s main gateway airport.... plus
New logistics hub in Ljubljana goes on stream
The Austrian logistics services provider cargo-partner has completed the construction of its storage hub near Ljubljana’s airport in Slovenia. The iLogistics centre, which covers a storage area of 25,000 sqm, became operational in August and will be officially inaugurated in... plus
Circle acquires Progetto Adele
Circle, which specialises in the analysis and development of automation and digitalisation solutions for the port sectors and intermodal logistics, has defined the terms of the acquisition of 100% of the share capital of Progetto Adele, a software house specialising in logistics... plus
Moins de pièces auto, plus de papier WC
Avec son frère Massimo Faggin, Christian Faggin est la deuxième génération à diriger l’entreprise de logistique Alpensped de Mannheim. Lors de notre interview, nous avons parlé de la part trop importante de l’industrie automobile dans le portefeuille d’Alpensped, de leur... plus
«La structure suit la stratégie»
La nouvelle structure régionale introduite en 2018 par Geodis est en place depuis un an. Thomas Kraus, DG Europe du Nord, de l’Est et centrale, a expliqué à Christian Doepgen, à la transport logistic à Munich, les expériences, tendances et perspectives actuelles. plus
Cinq pour l’e-commerce
Le petit royaume de Belgique est une grande plaque tournante du commerce extérieur européen. Deux grands ports et deux aéroports se sont alliés pour parvenir, à l’initiative des douanes belges, à un dédouanement plus rapide et plus efficace en trafic marchandises international.... plus