
  • Mario Diaz-Balart. Photo: House of Representatives


Artikel Nummer: 26862

US ports select Díaz-Balart as ‘port person’ for 2019

The American association of port authorities (Aapa) has selected Congressman Mario Díaz-Balart as 2019’s “port person of the year” for his stalwart advocacy of the port industry.


“During more than 16 years in the house of representatives, Díaz-Balart has consistently championed legislation to benefit our nation’s ports,” said Kurt Nagle, Aapa’s president and CEO. “He has demonstrated a keen understanding of how ports play a central role in driving our nation’s economy and creating jobs.”


Díaz-Balart, who also co-chairs the Florida ports caucus, successfully negotiated with the US department of transportation’s maritime administration to obtain a first-ever funding of nearly USD 293 million for the port infrastructure development programme. (mw)




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