
  • From left: Edi Sukmoro (PT KAI), Budi Noviantoro (PT INKA), Dr. Muliaman D. Hadad (Indonesian ambassor in Switzerland), Rini M. Soemarno (Indonesian government), Dr. Thomas Ahlburg (Stadler), Peter Spuhler (Stadler) and Ansgar Brockmeyer (Stadler). Photo: Stadler


Artikel Nummer: 28944

Swiss - Indonesian cooperation sealed

Switzerland-headquartered Stadler Rail and the Indonesian state-owned rolling stock manufacturer PT. Industri Kereta Persero (PT. INKA) have entered into a joint-venture agreement. The aim is to create a joint company producing rolling stock in a new factory in Banyuwangi, Indonesia. Utilising Stadler's technology, the joint venture will manufacture aluminium car-body trains for the Indonesian and Asian markets.


Simultaneously, PT. Kereta Api Indonesia, expressing its strong interest to be part of the joint venture, has also made a commitment to buy 500 EMU cars from the new company. The three-party agreement aims to increase synergies within the Indonesian train industry. (ben)




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