
Artikel Nummer: 42294
Spin allies with Swissmem
At an extraordinary general meeting, the Swiss Power-to-X Collaborative Innovation Network (Spin) elected a three-member co-presidency and a new board of directors drawn from the business, science, and political sectors.
Spin is now chaired by national councillor Martin Bäumle, Markus Friedl from the FH OST and Patrik Meli, managing director of MAN Energy Solutions Schweiz. The new board is made up of representatives from Climeworks, EPFL, FH OST, Hitachi Zosen Inova, SR Technics, Synhelion and Sulzer.
From October 2022, the Spin office will be located at Swissmem in Zurich. Peter Metzinger (left), physicist and campaigning pioneer, and Roger Sonderegger (right), lead manager at Swissmem, will co-manage the office. (cj)