
  • Photo: Inter-Logistic


Artikel Nummer: 44040

Inter-Logistic adds space

French logistics provider Inter-Logistic Europe has commissioned GSE to expand its 3,500 sqm warehouse in Ensisheim, Alsace, by an additional 4,500 sqm. In addition, the general contractor is also upgrading the existing part of the building and installing an infiltration system and a fire reserve.


After nine years in Cernay (Alsace), Inter Logistic Europe moved its main business centre to Fontaine Airpark in 2015. Already back then the company said that "the new warehouse will allow us to grow and above all to offer our customers better services in a protected environment, in a building with ICPE standards."


Now, the moment has come. In accordance with the investor's request, GSE has endeavoured to guarantee that the construction is reversible, leaving the option to separate the two buildings so that they can be used by two different operators.


“With the development of Inter-Logistic, this extension had become essential to continue operations smoothly. But for the sake of asset flexibility, GSE's offer to guarantee its reversibility was decisive,” explained Frédéric Reveille, chief executive officer. (sh)




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