
  • Photo: AEI


Artikel Nummer: 43296

AEI converted units can cope with the cold

Aeronautical Engineers Inc (AEI), a leading player in the business of converting passenger aeroplanes into freighters, is the oldest conversion company operating today. Since AEI was founded in 1958 it has developed more than 130 ‘supplemental type certificates’ (STCs) and has modified more than 550 aircraft with said STCs.


AEI vice-president of engineering Eric Wildhagen was keen to point out that “we like to cite our forward-thinking design approach. Keeping cold-weather operations in mind is just one example of the aspects we think about in our job.”


AEI can convert any Boeing B737-800, he added, including those with ‘flat aft pressure bulkheads’ and ‘split scimitar’ winglets. AEI “focuses on obtaining aviation authority approval for customers to ensure that they have no limitations with their B737-800SF converted freighters.” (cj)


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