Cargo Sous Terrain rolls on 

The Council of States, the second chamber of the Swiss Parliament, has unanimously approved the federal underground freight transport act, which gives the Cargo sous terrain (CST) underground transport system the legal basis to implement the project within a secure framework.... plus
"Curiosity of the Day" 
In the lottery, 1, 9 and 19 are the most frequently chosen numbers, because many people pick their year of birth. plus
Symphony Group with a new site 

A new 101,500 sqm production warehouse is to be developed by GMI Construction in UK. The building is for the Symphony Group, a British manufacturer of fitted kitchens and bedroom and bathroom furniture. The facility is coming up at Symphony headquarters in Barnsley (South... plus
Italian islands get closer to mainland 

Naples-based Grimaldi Group has launched a new Naples-Cagliari-Palermo ro-pax after winning the relative tender of the Italian ministry of sustainable infrastructures and mobility for long-distance land-based services of territorial continuity. The new link will be served... plus
Aapa strengthens government relations 

The American Association of Port Authorities (Aapa) has announced the promotion of Aapa government relations staffer, Derek Miller (photo), who already joined in September 2020, to the position of government relations manager, and the appointment of Ian Gansler as the new... plus
MSC block trains: full speed ahead 

MSC reports that its recently-launched Asia-to-Europe ocean and rail solution has been well received by its customers (see ITJ Daily from 24 April 2021). Introduced in mid-May, the first shipment of MSC containers was moved via block train from Vostochniy to St. Petersburg in... plus
L’art du positionnement 

Alors que de nombreux transitaires de taille moyenne ont subi des pertes notables en 2020, Dachser Suisse a maintenu son C.A. au niveau de l’année précédente. Vu son réseau international, la société s’attend à de bonnes opportunités en Suisse romande. plus
A new entity with big ambitions 

Since yesterday, 1 June 2021, the ports of Le Havre, Rouen and Paris, which have already been united under the Haropa banner since 2012, have additionally formed the ‘major Seine axis river and sea port authority’. During a sunny afternoon river cruise in the Parisian port of... plus
Ettamogah rail hub handles 1,800 m trains 

A rail siding in the Ettamogah rail hub near Albury in NSW (Australia) has been upgraded for around AUD 12.2 million (EUR 7.7 million), providing significantly increased efficiency for freight and passenger rail services. The new siding extension will work with Inland Rail to... plus
Asia-Pacific airlines stagnated in April 

Preliminary figures released by the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) have shown that passenger demand remains depressed, whilst cargo demand grew. Renewed border restrictions and lockdowns in many Asian economies quelled hopes of resurgent international markets.Some... plus