Cargo-Partner values sustainability
Cargo-Partner is reducing paper consumption in its global network. It has already digitised and by revamped a range of business processes. In air freight, Cargo-Partner began the ongoing transition to e-AWBs in 2015 and increased its share of e-AWBs by 26% for shipments from... plus
A good start but a long way to go
Swiss transport associations have generally welcomed the plans for the further development of inland freight transport that the Swiss Federal Council has now submitted for consultation. However, they add that the proposal is just a first step. In a joint statement, the Swiss... plus
Another investment for Air Canada Cargo
Last week, Air Canada Cargo unveiled a renewed customer reception area at its London Heathrow facility, marking one of the latest investments in improving its services to customers around the globe. The reception area is the first phase of a wider project to modernise many parts... plus
Procureship appoints Carsten Schmidt
Procureship, a provider of a global e-procurement platform for marine buyers and suppliers, has appointed Carsten Schmidt as vice-president of sales to lead the company’s ambitious expansion in Northern Europe, the Americas and the Asia-Pacific region. Schmidt joins Athens... plus
Spot rates fall first time since Q1/2020
The road freight rates Benchmark index for Europe shows that spot rates fell by 2.4 index points in Q4/2022 vs Q3. This represents the first fall in the spot index since Q1/2020, but spot rates still remain up 18.1 points on Q4/2021. The drop in European spot rates results... plus
More e-vehicles in Swiss transport
E-mobility is the order of the day. In the fleet of DPD Switzerland, headquartered in Buchs near Zurich, 130 of 750 vans are currently fully electric. The courier service recently put ten more Renault Trucks E-Tech Masters into operation at its depot in Rothenburg. With an... plus
La multimodalité vécue
L’orientation de P&O Ferrymasters sous la nouvelle direction. Depuis relativement peu de temps CEO à Rotterdam, Timm Niebergall estime que l’orientation multimodale et paneuropéenne de P&O Ferrymasters est un atout pour l’avenir. Il est persuadé que «les activités intermodales... plus
TX Logistik expands intermodal services
As of 22 February 2023, TX Logistik, an affiliate of FS Italiane (Italy’s state railways), will raise the number of weekly round trips on the route between Rostock (Germany) and Verona (Italy) from four to six. TX Logistik had increased the number of trains to Italy on other... plus
Brussels Airport: cargo team still growing
Geert Aerts (left), director cargo & logistics was promoted to chief cargo & real estate officer, effective 1 October 2022. The company also appointed Dimitri Bettoni (middle) as head of cargo, product & network development. His most recent role was CEO of... plus
New hub in Saxony-Anhalt
DHL 2-Mann-Handling has opened a new logistics site in Landsberg (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany) to create additional capacities for large and bulky goods such as furniture from major business customers based in the region and in Eastern Europe. In the new location, around 70... plus