Aid flight to Libya from Leipzig/Halle Airport
Following the severe flood disaster in Libya on 10 September, the German Red Cross (DRK) has been sending the first humanitarian aid supplies by plane from Leipzig/Halle Airport since last Friday. "The people are suffering, there is an enormous need for humanitarian... plus
First batch of Euro 5 trucks now in South Africa
Volvo will hand over 45 Volvo FH Euro 5 truck-tractors to add to DHL Supply Chain’s South African fleet. The company has already received the first five units, with the balance to be delivered by November this year. All the FH Euro 5 units were assembled in the... plus
Asie, Arctique, archipels
Nouveaux partenaires du constructeur de dirigeables Flying Whales. Après le salon Breakbulk Europe (cf. ITJ Daily, 20/6/2023), le constructeur français de dirigeables Flying Whales a également fait parler de lui au salon de l’aéronautique de Paris. Ses partenariats vont de... plus
Cargobooking to roll out in Europe
Awery Aviation Software is rolling out its open-access Cargobooking platform in Europe, building on the success of its South African launch, which saw over 100 forwarders and 15 airlines join the marketplace within five weeks. Cargobooking is an online booking marketplace... plus
Tiré d’une mauvaise posture
Devant un magnifique panorama. Le trois-mâts barque Europa, construit en 1911, prend ses quartiers en cale sèche durant l’hiver austral. Cette année, un incident a perturbé la maintenance au Cap. Ses effets fâcheux ont pu être écartés après deux mois par l’entreprise spécialisée... plus
A 16,000 sqm warehouse in Cameroon
A.P. Moller – Maersk has opened a warehousing & distribution facility in Douala, Cameroon. The site will be spread over 16,000 sqm, providing for dry warehousing and distribution. As a bonded facility, it will also provide for the storage of cargo in the customs... plus
From barge to dredger: Damen's “Sayonara”
Concordia Damen has successfully converted a Dutch barge into a Nigerian trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) named “Sayonara”, which is now operational in the Lagos lagoon. This conversion project, initiated through Damen Shipyards Gorinchem, offers numerous benefits,... plus
Iosa's 20th anniversary
During the World Safety and Operations Conference which is taking place in Hanoi, Vietnam, this week, the International Air Transport Association (Iata) marked the first 20 years of the Iata Operational Safety Audit (Iosa). Launched in September 2003, Iosa has been a... plus
Une traîne de 7,4 km?
Think Paper d’Eurocontrol sur les combustibles alternatifs. Batteries électriques, hydrogène, méthane ou ammoniac: la recherche de «remplaçants» des carburants fossiles bat son plein. Pour les vols long-courriers il n’y a pourtant pas encore de solution en vue côté... plus
Chinese tea to Africa by rail and sea
The first train loaded with 56,000 kgs of selenium-rich tea leaves from Chinese Hubei Province left Yichang on 12 September and arrived in Ningbo Port just two days later, China Railways reported. At Ningo Beilun Port in Zhejiang, the goods were transferred to a sea vessel for... plus