God given? 

In hunting, the game is sometimes chased through a bottleneck where there is no alternative escape route, this is called a “forced crossing”. It can also apply to cargo. 6 km north of the city of Suez in the single-lane section of the over 150-year-old Suez Canal, the... more
Full speed ahead on Trans-Sib route 

Russian Railways (RZD) has started building the new Kerak tunnel on the Ulruchi - Kovali section of the Trans-Siberian Railway in the Amur Region. The 910 m long tunnel currently in operation was built in 1910-1911, but is now too small. At 926 m, the new tunnel will be the... more
Glencar contracted for grocery warehouse 

The British construction company was contracted by the software and robotics platform business Ocado Group to fit out its recently built 50,000 sqm warehouse development located inn Tritax’s Symmetry Park development in Bicester. The project includes the full fit-out of... more
Docks in Barcelona on wire 

The Port of Barcelona has begun to roll out its dock electrification plan. The aim is to halve the CO2 emissions of port operations by 2030 and become a carbon neutral port even before the year 2050. EUR 90 million are earmarked for the project, easing the ships' connection... more
Earning a profit despite pandemic 

Despite a decline in traffic volume, BLS Cargo achieved a positive annual result of CHF 1.9 million in 2020. The Swiss railfreight operator reported sales of CHF 277 million, 5.5% less than in the previous year. Traffic volume fell by 10% to 19,956 trains. The decline in... more
Excellency in Singapore 

Star Alliance will establish a management office in the city state of Singapore later this year, as decided by its chief executive board, which comprises the CEOs of its 26 member airlines. The board considered that a new centre of excellence would be an important means to help... more
Gruber Logistics extends network 

In this period of economic contraction, Gruber Logistics continues to implement its strategy, which, according to Marcello Corazzola, CEO and member of the board, aims to extend the company’s network in Italy, ensure social sustainability and pursue digitisation. At the... more
Self-driving vehicle for Sweden’s roads 

Swedish bearings and seals manufacturer SKF is now testing an autonomous driving electric truck together with tech company Einride. The self-driving vehicle will transport goods on a public road between SKF’s factory and its warehouse in Gothenburg, Sweden. For SKF,... more
Relocation and award 

As the first company in western Switzerland, von Bergen has invested in two green, hydrogen-powered trucks, a revolutionary technology that massively reduces CO2 emissions. The transport company has now been awarded this year's "Watt d'Or" energy prize by the Swiss... more
New cargo terminal near VIE 

Swissport has signed a seven-year lease for two air cargo terminals nearby Vienna airport (VIE). The adjacent 8,000 sqm warehouses are part of the Deutsche Logistik Holding's "SkyLog park Vienna" in the Fischamend region and will allow Swissport to expand its cargo... more