DHL takes over Dubai venture 

DHL Global Forwarding has acquired Danzas AEI Emirates, effective 24 January 2024, integrating the company into its brand. With this acquisition, DHL gains 1,100 logistics experts and 20 Danzas AEI Emirates locations in the region. The Emirati company was founded as a joint... mehr
End-to-end solutions for 2024 challenges 

Challenge Group can look back on a successful 2023, despite the many challenging conditions of a soft market coupled with yield decline. With the introduction and deployment of its B767 fleet, it not only uplifted more tonnage than ever before, but also increased its... mehr
Developing new food corridors 

Etihad Cargo, the cargo and logistics arm of Etihad Airways, Abu Dhabi Airports and Abu Dhabi Food Hub – Kezad, the region’s first dedicated food wholesale market, have signed a tri-party memorandum of understanding (MOU) to jointly establish a fully compliant and transparent... mehr
A new logistics provider for Egypt 

The German EMS-Fehn-Group has established a new company in Egypt after decades of experience in the Middle East and North African market. EFG Logistics Services will be headquartered in Cairo, from where the team will offer road, air and sea transport services and complex... mehr
Auf halbem Weg und weiter 

Frohe Botschaften aus Baku. Der Caspian Air Cargo Summit, den Michael Mackey Ende letzten Jahres für das ITJ besuchte, sandte zwei Signale an die Industrie: Einerseits versucht sich Aserbaidschan als Drehscheibe für die Luftfrachtbranche zwischen Ost und West zu etablieren, die... mehr
Extending cooperation on dangerous goods 

The International Air Transport Association (Iata) and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (Icao) have extended their long-standing cooperation on setting and implementing global standards for the safe carriage of dangerous goods by air. An agreement to this effect... mehr
Maersk bypasses the Red Sea 

In response to the volatile situation in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, the Maersk ME2 service will temporarily be diverted via the Cape of Good Hope. The adjusted route will include Jebel Ali (UAE), Mundra and Jawaharlal Nehru (India), Port Tangier (Morocco), Algeciras (Spain),... mehr
Vor dem Scheitelpunkt der Welle 

Die weltweite Kapazität in der Containerschifffahrt wird im Jahr 2024 am stärksten zulegen. Der Neubau von Containerschiffen kennt nach dem Prinzip von «Me-Too» seine eigene Logik. Die hohen Fracht-Volumina der Jahre 2021 und 2022 hatten einen Boom von Bestellungen ausgelöst.... mehr
Shark fins hiding among dry fish 

One week ago, on 15 January 2024, Hong Kong Customs seized about 800 kg of suspected scheduled shark fins, with an estimated market value of about HKD 4 million (USD 500,000), at Hong Kong airport. Upon inspection of an air consignment, declared as dry fish arriving from... mehr
Bluetooth is watching you 

Baku (Azerbaijan)-based Silk Way West Airlines has extended its longstanding strategic collaboration with unit load device (ULD) provider ACL Airshop. Under the new agreement, the partnership will now introduce Bluetooth technology for real-time ULD tracking. Vugar Mammadov... mehr