Logistik für die Energiewende 

Erfahrener Schwergutspezialist ist bereit für Projekte der Zukunft. Die Gründung einer dänischen Landesgesellschaft vor 20 Jahren war ein wichtiger Schritt für deugro, einer der führenden Projektträger für Wind- und erneuerbare Energien zu werden. Seitdem hat das bis 1924... mehr
Shaping the next generation 

Emirates SkyCargo, the cargo arm of the Dubai (UAE)-based carrier Emirates, has implemented a bespoke training programme, designed to equip the cargo executives of tomorrow with the commercial and leadership skillset for future success. The candidates are handpicked from... mehr
Cargo operation "leeds" to energy certification 

Turkish Cargo has completed the activities it has been carrying out for obtaining the LEED (leadership in energy and environmental design) v4.1 O+M: EB operations certification for the purpose of enhancing its service quality. The air cargo brand of Turkish Airlines was... mehr
20.5 million t of cargo within ten years 

Doha's Hamad international airport (DOH) in Qatar marks a significant milestone as it celebrates its 10th anniversary of operations. From the first landing on 27 May 2014 (photo) to May 2024, DOH saw 2.1 million aircraft movements, carried 20.5 million t of cargo, and... mehr
Emirates to resume services to Lagos 

Emirates will resume flights to Nigeria from 1 October 2024, running a daily service between Lagos and Dubai and offering customers more choice and connectivity from Nigeria’s largest city to, and through, Dubai. The service will be operated using a Boeing 777-300ER. With... mehr
Egypt to host new green methanol facility 

AD Ports Group, Transmar, and Orascom Construction have signed an MOU to develop a green methanol storage and export facility in Egypt. Green methanol, a synthetic fuel produced from renewable sources such as green hydrogen, offers a clean alternative to fossil fuels with fewer... mehr
Asiaten auf Kurs, Tanger in Top 20 

Containerhäfen 2023. Letztes Jahr haben die 20 grössten Containerhäfen der Welt 387,5 Mio. TEU umgeschlagen. Das waren 1,24% mehr als 2022. Dieses Wachstum ist, so die Analysten von Upply, klar den asiatischen Häfen zu verdanken, die 15 der 20 grössten Standorte stellen – noch... mehr
Boosting cargo capacity by over 50% 

Global air and travel services provider Dnata will boost its cargo handling capacity by over 50% at Zurich airport (ZRH) in Switzerland, in response to continued solid demand for its services in this area. Having signed a lease agreement with the airport authority, the... mehr
75% of logisticians focus on sustainability 

Every second transport and logistics company currently rates the risk of suffering financial losses due to the effects of climate change as medium to high, according to a survey conducted by the Logistics Hall of Fame in partnership with Schunck Group. For this reason, three... mehr
Maritime sustainability research centre launched 

AD Ports Group has launched the maritime sustainability research centre, Abu Dhabi (MSRCAD), to drive maritime innovation and sustainable growth. Operated by the Abu Dhabi maritime academy under the maritime Abu Dhabi platform, the non-profit centre aims to bridge the gap... mehr