Takeover fortifies Rhenus Switzerland's results 

Rhenus Alpina’s sales in Switzerland leapt by 20% in 2020, despite the pandemic. Total revenues of CHF 410 million (CHF 341 million in 2019) were largely due to the integration of Interfracht’s activities into the group.The firm didn’t report its adjusted revenues, and doesn’t... mehr
In one month at the museum 

Russia's Air Bridge Cargo Airlines (АВС) has delivered over 200 museum exhibits on board its regular B747-8F flights from Moscow to Hong Kong. The delivery, organised and carried out in cooperation with ART-Сourier, contained 170 sets of exquisite court treasures from the... mehr
Upgrade for 77 Traxx locomotives 

Luxembourg-headquartered Alpha Trains has contracted Alstom/Bombardier Transportation to refurbish 77 Traxx locomotives. The locomotives will be upgraded to ETCS Baseline (BL) 3 Release 2, of which 55 are Bombardier Traxx 186 engines licenced to operate in Germany, Austria,... mehr
Big in Poland 

In Poland, CAT and the Polish subsidiary of the Mosolf Group have merged to form CAT Mosolf Polska (CMPL), which, with Gefco, makes them the largest competitors in car transport across Europe. The merger has already been approved by the relevant competition authorities and... mehr
Zero-emission deliveries in Norway 

DB Schenker has already achieved zero-emission deliveries for Norway’s capital Oslo, where 100 % of the local delivery vehicles have been changed from diesel to electric drive. Now it’s time take the next step in the country: DB Schenker has invested in a new electric... mehr
Levrat to chair board of directors at Swiss Post 

Swiss Post’s annual general meeting approved the company’s consolidated and annual financial statements for 2020 this week. As in the previous year, Swiss Post will pay a dividend of CHF 50 million to the Swiss Confederation. Following the Federal Council’s proposal, the AGM... mehr
Heavy handling in Liege 

Located in the Autonomous Port of Liège, Belgium, the company Renory, a subsidiary of the Novandi group, has been entrusted with the exceptional delivery of more than 32,000 t of steel coils from India. The shipper is Liberty Steel. Having passed through the seaport of... mehr
New wagon type rolls into service 

VTG Rail UK reached a milestone as GB Railfreight (GBRF) took delivery of its first Ecofret2 triple-wagon sets. The first operational triple-container flat wagon sets will be used to support the operator's growing demand for intermodal services. Following successful... mehr
Finally a new order for Boeing 

Baku-based Silk Way West Airlines is expanding its international network with an order for five B777F. The deal with Boeing marks the first purchase of the long-range, high capacity twin-engine freighter in the Caspian region and Central Asia. Zaur Akhundov, Silk Way Group... mehr
Only nine weekends in beautiful Steyr 

In addition to the thematic updates, part-time students in the Master's programme "Supply Chain Management" at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria in Steyr will be able to significantly reduce their attendance from autumn 2021 through more online teaching... mehr