Biogas lorries on scheduled services 

The German logistics group Zufall has recently started using biogas lorries on scheduled transport services in Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia. The four Iveco vehicles were purchased by Zufall partners AY Trans and Sari and are now on the road for Zufall Logistik.By using the... mehr
European high pushes up box index 

The seasonally-adjusted estimate of the container throughput index published by the two German research bodies RWI and ISL for April rose by 2.4 to 127.1 points. The European ports assessed in the ‘Northern Range Index’ contributed significantly, with the latter rising by 3.5 to... mehr
Hill Dickinson strengthening team in Greece 

The maritime legal specialist Hill Dickinson has responded to client needs by strengthening its position in Greece, unveiling a series of new appointments in Piraeus in 2020 and 2021. Many experts have joined the company in recent months; in May new senior associate Kostas... mehr
Step towards more sustainability 

Italy’s Arcese Group has taken another step towards sustainability by starting trials with a new e-Ducato. Fiat Professional’s first fully-electric model will be deployed in tests by Arcese for the next two months.This pioneering collaboration will make Arcese one of the first... mehr
Ro-ro on the rise in Le Havre 

Car imports and exports are growing in the port of Le Havre, and in their wake ro-ro traffic – despite a number of global and European challenges. In a recent webinar the port of Le Havre, a member of Haropa Ports, presented the current trends in business and the gateway’s way... mehr
Hämmerle promoted to CFO at Kapsch 

Andreas Hämmerle has been promoted to chief financial officer of Kapsch TrafficCom (KTC), with effect from 1 July. He’s currently executive vice-president for finance at the logistics solutions provider for sustainable mobility, and will also become a board member.Before joining... mehr
New hub for La Poste 

The French post office La Poste has opened a new location in the heart of France. The parcel-sorting hub in Seine-et-Marne, in the Île-de-France, is the fifth and largest of the company’s new facilities. It follows hubs in Isère, Pas-de-Calais, Var and Val-d’Oise.The gateway,... mehr
Sunny side up for Hamburg 

The port of Hamburg witnessed an upswing in seaborne cargo throughput in Q1/2021, above its forecast. A steep increase in March, especially, led to higher volumes in total (+0.4% to 32,1 million t) compared to the same period last year. Container handling performed even... mehr
A woman to head HR at Hellmanns 

Christa Stienen has been appointed chief human resource officer at Hellmann Worldwide Logistics with effect from 1 August. She will succeed Claudio Gerring, who died in December 2020 after nineteen years in the HR unit. Stienen brings 30 years’ experience in various senior roles... mehr
Further Bremen location for B+S 

The German logistics services provider B+S GmbH Logistik und Dienstleistungen has moved into a 20,500 sqm logistics facility in greater Bremen. The logistician already took over a centre in the Bremen freight village developed by Goodman in 2019. B+S makes use of a total of... mehr