Bereit für «Revolution»? 

Eindrücke vom 8. «National Air Cargo Day» der IG Air Cargo Switzerland. Suchte man vor zwei Jahren nach der «neuen Normalität», bestimmten KI, Cybersicherheit und Disruptionen allerorten den Ende September am Flughafen Zürich veranstalteten Branchentreff. Weit über 100 Besuchern... mehr
Lalamove launches in Turkey 

Lalamove has expanded into Istanbul, Turkey, as its thirteenth market worldwide. The Hong Kong-based delivery platform has ventured into locations in Asia and Latin America since its foundation in 2013 but is now taking its first step into the Europe, Middle East, and Africa... mehr
100 and more converted Airbus aircraft 

Elbe Flugzeugwerke (EFW) has redelivered its 100th converted freighter aircraft, an A330P2F, from an EFW facility in China. To date, 49 A330P2F, 47 A321P2F and four A320P2F converted by EFW have joined the global fleet of Airbus freighter aircraft. China will continue to... mehr
Tender for a first e-fuel deployment 

The Zero Emission Maritime Buyers Alliance (Zemba) will launch a new tender in January 2025 aimed at driving the first commercial deployment of e-fuels in maritime transport, starting in 2027. By aggregating demand in 40 companies, Zemba intends to contract for 80 billion... mehr
A tandem for Seafrigo 

Seafrigo Group, a provider of specialist cool-chain food logistics, has appointed Bruno Plantaz as its new group chief executive officer (CEO). Company founder, Eric Barbé, is stepping up to the role of president and will work alongside Plantaz as they complete the next stage in... mehr
30 million poppies for Britain 

Ahead of Remembrance Sunday, Millbray Contracts, which is part of the APC Network, delivered poppies for the Royal British Legion in the UK for the third consecutive year. The four-week project saw APC shipping 30 million poppies to army barracks, schools, offices, homes and... mehr
TIP Group delivers 56 trailers 

The truck leasing company has won the contract to renew the existing trailer fleet of Interfloor, UK-based underlay and flooring accessories supplier. TIP has now delivered 56 new trailers to its customer as part of a comprehensive long-term hire arrangement. The new assets... mehr
Port of Rotterdam picks COO 

The shareholders have appointed Berte Simons as chief operating officer (COO) of the Port of Rotterdam Authority, effective 1 January 2025. She will join the executive board and succeed Boudewijn Siemons, who was named CEO and interim COO in February 2024. Effective 1 January... mehr
Jubelfeier in Houston 

Die Breakbulk Americas Messe war ein würdiger Ort, um 20 Jahre Chipolbrok America zu feiern. Als China und Polen immer mehr Abfahrten von China und Fernost in die USA zählten, beschlossen die Chipolbrok-Anteilseigner auf beiden Seiten, eine eigene Vertretung in Houston zu... mehr
Rail service also for very small quantities 

Finland-based Nurminen Logistics has purchased the Swedish railway logistics company Essinge Rail. This acquisition will make it a significant railway operator in the growing freight market between the Nordic countries and Continental Europe, Nurminen said. The purchase is part... mehr