Genoa: a new port government commissioner 

By decree n. 217, Italy’s infrastructure and transport minister Matteo Sa lvini officially appointed Paolo Piacenza as government commissioner of the Western Ligurian sea port authority on 8 September 2023. Piacenza was also elected government administrator of the Savona Cable... mehr
Lulu Group opens facility in Milan 

Lulu Group has officially opened its sourcing, food processing & export hub in Italy. Located at the World Trade Centre near Malpensa Airport in Milan, the facility will focus on sourcing, processing, storing, packaging, and exporting of food products from Italy to more than... mehr
Fisch auf dem Trockenen 

Von See zu See. Lkw fahren nicht übers Wasser und Schiffe nicht über Land. Manchmal wird aber auch diese Logik ausgehebelt. Genau dann, wenn z.B. der Schiffsbetrieb des einen Schweizer Sees, des 15 x 25 km grossen Walensees, der Schifffahrt des Zugersees (13,7 x 4,6 km) ein... mehr
Three roundtrips between Brwinow and Rotterdam 

The Swiss intermodal provider Hupac is expanding its business by increasing the number of direct services from its Brwinow terminal near Warsaw, Poland to Rotterdam in the Netherlands. With easy connections to/from the UK, Ireland and Portugal, the shuttle train will run... mehr
Austria names successor to Hercules 

At a press conference, Austria's defence minister Klaudia Tanner and major general Harald Vodosek announced that all further plans for the successor to the C-130 "Hercules" will focus on the Embraer C-390. The C-130 "Hercules" has been in service at in the... mehr
Locomotive fleet grows to 36 Vectrons 

The Polish locomotive leasing company Cargounit has ordered up to 30 Vectron MS locomotives from Siemens Mobility. The framework agreement includes the delivery of ten units by the end of 2023 and an option for 20 additional locomotives by 2024 as well as maintenance services.... mehr
Dokasch TS expands its business in India 

India’s pharmaceutical industry ranks third worldwide in terms of pharmaceutical production by volume, the Indian government says. Dokasch Temperature Solutions has now appointed James Savio as business development manager India to strengthen its position in this important... mehr
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol: no time to waste 

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol and its cargo partners are combatting long truck wait times at the hub through the introduction of a new smart cargo main port programme initiative, “Digital Planning”, for which key players in Schiphol’s air freight chain signed a best effort... mehr
Singapore tops global shipping centre index 

Singapore has once again secured the top spot in the Xinhua-Baltic International Shipping Centre Development Index (ISCDI) for the tenth consecutive year. This report, published jointly by Xinhua and the Baltic Exchange, also ranks London and Shanghai as primary global maritime... mehr
Anna-Maria Kirchner joins Finnair Cargo 

Finnair Cargo has appointed Anna-Maria Kirchner as head of global sales, effective 15 September 2023. “We are happy to welcome Kirchner to our team. As we are looking to strengthen our sales team and develop our product and digital solutions to our customers, Anna-Maria is a... mehr