Global shipping overcapacity: balanced by 2028? 

According to Sea-Intelligence, the container shipping market is grappling with overcapacity, with 2023 and 2024 expected to see significant excess. Optimistic scenarios suggest potential rebalancing by 2028, but uncertainties around factors like demand, supply and structural... mehr
Changing of the guard at Time Matters 

Bernhard zur Strassen took over as new managing director and CEO of Time Matters on 1 November 2023. He succeeds Alexander Kohnen, who left the company at his own request in April 2023. Zur Strassen was most recently chief revenue officer at the software company Shipsta. Zur... mehr
Digital trucking with Egim and Drive My Box 

Eurogate Intermodal (Egim), a Hamburg-based provider of intermodal transport for sea containers, and Drive My Box, a digital platform for container trucking, have formed a strategic partnership to further digitise truck traffic in Germany. This collaboration has led to the... mehr
Duvenbeck expands Polish business 

Duvenbeck, a full-service logistics provider, is expanding its activities in Poland in response, amongst others, to a growing automotive market. Companies will showcase their solutions at the trade fare Trans Logistica Poland in Warsaw next week. "Poland is playing an... mehr
H2 truck, filling stations, protecting the Alps 

The Paul Group has developed the PH2P truck, Germany’s first serial-production hydrogen fuel-cell truck and also supplies the appropriate infrastructure. The group has opened a 'Next Mobility Hub' with filling station operator Maier Korduletsch and Shell on its company premises... mehr
P2F conversions take off at Istanbul 

Elbe Flugzeugwerke (EFW), a centre of excellence for Airbus passenger-to-freighter conversions (P2F), has commenced operations at its new third-party freighter conversion site in Istanbul (Turkey), after its first A330P2F was inducted as scheduled in October. This Istanbul... mehr
Three tugs delivered to Poland 

Damen Shipyards has delivered three new ASD Tugs to WUZ Port and Maritime Services in Gdansk, Poland. The three tugs, including "Pax", the last of the trio, were welcomed into the fleet in a flag-raising ceremony in October. The first two, "Ares" and... mehr
More lorries use Swiss rolling motorways 

The rolling motorway (ro-mo) between Freiburg (Germany) and Novara (Italy) is well positioned in the market. From June to September 2023, the Swiss ro-mo operator Ralpin transported almost 12% more trucks through the Swiss Alps by rail than in the previous year. The volumes also... mehr
'Hub Performance' team now in action 

After a postponement due to illness, the 'Hub Performance' team started work this week under the leadership of Martina Schikorr (Fraport), Kai Domscheit and Janina Meininger (CHI Deutschland Cargo Handling). The ‘Hub Performance’ team has set itself the goal of advancing the... mehr
DNV's recommended practices for AI 

DNV, a risk management and assurance company, has released a set of recommended practices (RPs) to help companies safely implement artificial intelligence (AI) in critical devices, assets, and infrastructure. These RPs cover essential AI building blocks, such as data,... mehr