Industry veteran joins ASF
Global logistics provider ASF has appointed Angel Rodriguez, an industry veteran with over 30 years of global end-to-end supply chain experience, as president of ASF Air. In his most recent role at Flexport, Rodriguez created air freight solutions for Fortune 100 & 500... mehr
Grimaldi Group expands in Greece
The Grimaldi Group, an Italian private shipping company, has acquired a 67% majority stake in the Heraklion Port Authority (HPA) for the price of EUR 80 million. This move comes after its recent acquisition of the Igoumenitsa Port Authority. The Heraklion port, the largest... mehr
Returns under red wings
Russia's Red Wings Airlines has revived Sky Gates Airlines. Founded in 2016 with a focus on freight, the company was forced to cease operations following the sanctions imposed in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and was taken over by Red Wings last... mehr
A new chair for virtual young forwarder network
Clara Thomas, operations co-ordinator at Quality Freight Services, has been appointed as the new chair of the virtual format of the British International Freight Association’s young forwarder network (YFN), taking over from Herbie Cobby from Geodis. Thomas, who is based in... mehr
Unilode extends partnership in Thailand
Unilode Aviation Solutions, a global provider of outsourced unit load device (ULD) management, repair and digital services, and Thai Air Asia X, a low-cost medium-haul carrier based in Bangkok, have extended their full-service ULD management partnership until 2029. Thai Air... mehr
Saudischer Drehpunkt
Neue Zusammenarbeit von Saudia Cargo, Cainiao und WFS/Sats. Ende November stellten drei Partner, die verschiedene Abschnitte der Luftfracht-Lieferkette abdecken, ein Geschäftsmodell in Jeddah vor, das zukünftige Gateways für die E-Commerce-Logistik an Flughäfen schaffen will.... mehr
Schnelligkeit ist Trumpf
Die Schienenverbindungen zwischen Fernost und Europa entwickelt DHL seit 2013 stetig. Im Windschatten der grossen Politik wächst eine west-östliche Zusammenarbeit weiter. Vor dem Propeller Club, Port of Basel, trug Thomas Kowitzki, Vice President und Global Head of China Rail... mehr
Kein Grund zur Panik
Amar More, Präsident und CEO von Kale Info Solutions, im Gespräch. Die Zeit drängt: Ab 1. Januar 2024 müssen alle Seehäfen das Maritime Single Windows (MSW)-Mandat der International Maritime Organization (IMO) übernommen haben. Mit dem Chef eines Logistik-IT-Dienstleisters... mehr
A plus for all modes of transport in 2024/25
A positive outlook for Germany’s freight transport sector: The Federal Office for Logistics and Mobility (BALM) is forecasting growth again for the next two years. For 2024 and 2025, total modal transport performance is expected to increase by around 2.1% and 1.6%,... mehr
Solar energy to cool food
The Swiss online supermarket is purchasing 30 new vans from manufacturer Man. The vehicles are equipped with solar panels for the electric cooling of the food, which is expected to save the company around 1,000 litres of diesel per year. The 30 new Man TGE 3.140... mehr