Rates continue to rise despite holiday periods
Despite a fall in tonnages from most regions linked to holiday periods such as Easter, Ramadan, and the Qingming Festival, worldwide air cargo rates have continued to rise into the first week of April. According to the latest weekly figures and analysis from World ACD Market... mehr
Data flow trial kicks off
Portbase and Rhein Ports have launched a project to digitally connect maritime and inland ports, seeking to optimise data flow between Dutch seaports and Rhine-based inland ports. Backed by the ports of Rotterdam, Duisburg, and the Port of Switzerland, this project aims to... mehr
Growing in the Romanian market
As its latest project, Nosta Group recently opened a new hub in Bucharest, Romania, as part of its strategy to expand its air and sea freight capacities in this country’s growing market. Led by managing director Szilard Sarkozi, the Bucharest team will concentrate on serving... mehr
Decades of experience join TGP
Trans Global Projects (TGP) has appointed three new executives to its team based in Bremen, Germany. Morten Guba (centre) and Nicholas Schubert (right) have both joined as project managers, while Knuth Meinardus (left) has been named sales manager. Guba and Schubert bring... mehr
More security and more funding
The Common Road Transport Office is not satisfied with the EU Parliament's latest decision on CO2 targets for new heavy goods vehicles (ITJ Daily 12.04.2024). It regrets the lack of openness for other alternative fuels and calls for more security for the industry. The... mehr
DHL lands new contract in Europe
Vitesco Technologies, a developer of drive systems, has chosen DHL as its lead logistics partner (LLP) in line with its strategy to improve the sustainability of its supply chains. Under the agreement, DHL will centrally manage logistics operations for Vitesco Technologies’... mehr
A long and fulfilling career with Meachers
Meachers Global Logistics operations director Rob Lewis has retired after a long and successful career with the company, spanning 42 years. He was given a fond farewell at the end of March, while a warm welcome was extended to Sean Farrell, Meachers’ new import manager.... mehr
Yes to stricter CO2 targets for HDVs
The EU parliament adopted new rules to reduce pollution from heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) on Wednesday, 10 April 2024. The regulation addresses emissions from new trucks, buses, and trailers. CO2 emissions from large HDVs must be reduced by 45% for the period 2030-2034, by 65%... mehr
Continuity at DVF’s 40th general assembly
At its annual general meeting, which took place in Berlin on 11 April 2024, the German Transport Forum (DVF) elected Pierre Dominique Prümm, executive board member for aviation and infrastructure at Fraport – he succeeds Stefan Schulte, CEO of Fraport in this role - and André... mehr
Inclusion in practice at Sievert Logistik
Sievert Logistik has welcomed Holger Schönenberg, the first paraplegic professional truck driver, to its team. Based on the company’s Lengerich site, he will be deployed for tarpaulin transports. To make this possible, the transport and logistics services provider contracted... mehr