Hupac: more subsidies for intermodal traffic 

Two years after the opening of the Gotthard base tunnel in Switzerland, it is now obvious that only some of the expected productivity improvements for transalpine intermodal transport can be achieved despite enhanced train parameters. The Swiss intermodal service provider... mehr
40th bookable parking location in Europe on stream 

Truck Parking Europe has reached a new milestone. With eight new locations in the last two months, the platform is quickly growing, from fifteen locations at the end of 2018 to forty locations in April 2019 across thirteen European countries. Truck Parking Europe offers... mehr
LOT Cargo embarks on Iata CEIV pharma certification 

Before November, LOT Polish Airlines is expected to complete Iata's CEIV pharma certification which will enable efficient transportation of medicines and valuable pharma products in the highest global standard. Cargo director Michał Grochowski: "This gives us the... mehr
24plus adds Stefan Rehmet to its management team 

The general cargo cooperation 24plus logistics network has expanded its board. As the designated successor to Peter Baumann, Stefan Rehmet has joined the management team. Rehmet is a qualified expert in overland transport with long years of experience in executive positions... mehr
Rhenus builds hall at the Danube port in Krems 

In the Danube port in Krems (Austria), Rhenus can now load and unload containers in weatherproof conditions. After three months of construction, the port logistics services provider has inaugurated a 1,700 sqm lightweight hall. 17 m high and anchored on a concrete base, it is... mehr
Challenge Group acquires TRG 

Challenge Group, the logistics recruitment and distribution company backed by Praetura, has acquired TRG Logistics to form one of the largest independent providers of HGV drivers and warehouse staff in the UK. The undisclosed deal will see the two companies merge to become... mehr
From Bolloré to Haropa 

Laurent Foloppe has been appointed marketing and sales director at the French port operator Haropa. In his new role he will implement and further develop the company’s sales and marketing strategies. Foloppe has spent the largest part of his career in the transport and... mehr
Freja upgrades its top management 

After about 34 years of leading Freja’s daily operations, Jørgen J. Hansen has decided to use his expertise as chairman of the board of Freja Holding. Hansen started Freja with a partner in 1985. Under his leadership, the company expanded and now has approximately 750 dedicated... mehr
Rising road haulage costs to boost Irish railway 

From mid-May onwards, the logistics company International Warehousing and Transport (IWT) plans to increase its rail service between Dublin Port and Ballina in the west of Ireland from six to nine trains per week in each direction. The expansion is due primarily to the... mehr
First Effiliner delivered to Austrian carrier 

The number of rail service providers operating Effiliner 1600 locomotives made by Czech manufacturer CZ Loko was recently boosted by the addition of the Austria-based Rail Cargo Group (RCG). RCG representatives have just accepted the first of two such locomotives in Ceska... mehr