Ship recycling regulations soon effective 

New European ship recycling regulations will enter into force at the end of the year. The EU Ship Recycling Regulation (EUsRR) stipulates that all ships over 500 grt - which call at EU ports - must have a statement of compliance (SoC) demonstrating that they have an inventory of... mehr
Swiss in Geneva 

On behalf of Geneva University Hospital and the Canton of Geneva and in collaboration with Swiss Centers China and Swiss International Air Lines, supported by its Swiss World Cargo airfreight division, landed its first cargo-only flight at Geneva airport on 21 April. The B777... mehr
Chinese masks en route to Russia 

RZD Logistics (RZDL) is organizing a series of shipments of medical devices from China to different Russian cities to aid their battle against Covid-19. The deliveries are carried out on behalf of the Russian government. The first container train, which departed from... mehr
Expanded trucking services during Corona crisis 

As of now, InstaFreight is offering customers stable overland transport for the supply chains from China to Europe and vice versa. Chains in both directions have been strongly affected by the Coronavirus. With this newly added service, the German-based forwarder is maintaining... mehr
United Cargo upgrades humanitarian efforts 

Since beginning using Boeing 777 and 787 aircraft from United's passenger fleet for operating cargo-only flights, the carrier has operated 400+ flights carrying more than 6,000 t of cargo. United Cargo president Jan Krems: "We're proud to play an active role in... mehr
Vision of Duisport Group prevails 

The Duisport Group's CEO, Erich Staake, answered the most pressing question at a press conference, which was held online for the first time. Staake assessed the situation as follows: “Overall, we expect total economic output to decline by around 10% in 2020. In many... mehr
DHL launches "UbuntuConnect" service via Dubai 

DHL Global Forwarding has launched a dedicated 100 t weekly airfreight service for organizations and governments shipping goods from China to Africa and the Middle East. Named after the Nguni Bantu word, ubuntu (humanity) used across Africa to refer to the universal bond of... mehr
Divestments and investments of Royal Vopak 

The tank storage company Royal Vopak achieved revenues of EUR 296.9 million in Q1/2020. Ebitda amounted to EUR 200 million compared to EUR 215 million (pre-divestments) in Q1/2019. On 31 January 2020, Vopak completed the earlier announced divestment of its 100% shareholding in... mehr
Alliances weathering the storm differently 

Deep-sea carriers have currently blanked 435 sailings. The Copenhagen-headquartered maritime consultancy Sea-Intelligence said in a recent bulletin that these cancelations stand for a decline in demand of 7 million t in 2020. The blanking measure, however, protects the... mehr
Launch of China–Austria container service 

RZD Logistics (RZDL) has launched a new transit container service from Shenyang (China) to Enns (Austria) via the Zabaykalsk border crossing. The project was implemented in close collaboration with Chinese logistics company Sinotrans. The first train, loaded with industrial... mehr