KTZ chooses zero-emission shunting solution 

Wabtec and Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ) have signed a MoU for 150 battery-electric shunters and modernisation work to transform the mainline fleet into liquid natural gas-powered (LNG) locomotives. The investment marks the CIS railway company’s largest sustainable technology... mehr
New route extends intermodal options in Asia 

Fesco has launched a new intermodal container service running from Japan to Uzbekistan via China and Kazakhstan. The offer includes marine transport from the port of Yokohama (Japan) to the port of Lianyungang (China, Jiangsu Province). Then the containers continue their... mehr
AAL appoints agent in India 

Singapore-headquartered AAL Shipping (AAL) has appointed Mumbai-based shipping company Merchant Shipping Services as its exclusive representative in India. Established in 1996, Merchant Shipping focuses on global trade, delivering pan-India multipurpose and project heavy... mehr
Gap widens in Hong Kong 

Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) has released traffic figures of Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) for August 2022. During the month, flight movements decreased by 11.3% to 11,390 compared to the same month last year, while cargo throughput was reduced by 21.0% to 338,000... mehr
A special unit for NYK 

Iwaki Shipbuilding, an affiliate of the Imabari Shipbuilding Group, completed the wood chip carrier "Stellar Harmony" for its customer, the NYK Group, in late August. With a length of approximately 199.9 m, a width of 32.24 m and 49,500 dwt, the vessel’s loading... mehr
Seasoned professionals for new Indian cargo carrier 

Afcom Holdings Private Limited, a recently launched international cargo airline headquartered in Chennai, has announced four key senior level appointments. S. N. Ashok (photo) has joined as general manager – cargo operations. Prior to this, he served as cargo operations... mehr
First user for Cargo Ai's new features 

Just a few months after Lufthansa Cargo signed a letter of intent with Cargo Ai, marketplace users in the Netherlands, Italy and Spain now have access to routings and capacity information on all Lufthansa Group airlines serving those countries. General and express cargo can... mehr
Brisbane to build new distribution hub 

The Brisbane Airport Corporation has announced plans for a distribution hub for Wallenius Wilhelmsen Solutions to further expand its logistics portfolio. The Oslo-based logistics company, which specialises in the global distribution of cars, trucks, agricultural,... mehr
Global vor Ort entwickeln 

Das 50-Jahr-Jubiläum von Sisa Studio Informatica erfolgt im internationalen Rahmen. Nirgendwo lässt sich der Wandel in unserem hektischen Zeitalter so rasant wie in der IT-Welt ablesen, die in der Spedition und Logistik der Schweiz gerade auch in der Zollabwicklung eine grosse... mehr
ANA: faster insights with artificial intelligence 

All Nippon Airways (ANA) will be the launch customer for Boeing's Insight Accelerator (IA), a new cloud-based digital solution employing artificial intelligence to improve operational efficiency and avoid high impact service disruptions. While the latest generation of... mehr