China promises financial injection for Tazara 

China, Tanzania and Zambia have signed an initial agreement to rehabilitate a decades-old railway. The modernisation of the 1,860 km long line of the Tanzania-Zambia Railway (Tazara) will improve rail-sea transport in resource-rich East Africa, the Chinese state-owned... mehr
At the end of a hot summer for air cargo 

Global average air cargo spot rates of 2.68 USD/kg in August were boosted by the continuing imbalance between supply and demand. According to Xeneta’s latest weekly analysis, last month's global cargo supply increased at its slowest ratio in 2024 to-date at 2% year-on-year,... mehr
36, 50, 110 – zum ersten, zum zweiten... 

(Wasser-)Stand am Panamakanal. Am 15. August jährte sich die erste offizielle Passage eines Schiffes, der US-amerikanischen SS Ancon, durch den Panamakanal zum 110. Mal. Dieses Jahr hatte die globale Handelsschifffahrt, für welche die künstliche Wasserstrasse am Übergang... mehr
Bruce Cutillo hands over the baton 

WCA Projects, a project forwarding logistics network, has selected Erwin van der Genugten (right) as its new general manager from January 2025, following the retirement of Bruce Cutillo (left), at the end of this year. Van der Genugten: “Cutillo has done an amazing job in... mehr
KN's Caribbean collaborations 

Kuehne + Nagel (KN) is looking to expand its presence in the Caribbean by appointing three new representative agents in the region. Working with Gulf and Maritime Services in Trinidad and Tobago, which has a large oil and gas sector, KN will be able to ramp up its customised... mehr
FedEx names executive vice president 

FedEx Corp. has named Gina F. Adams executive vice president, general counsel and secretary, effective 24 September 2024. Accordingly, she will become the general counsel-elect on 1 September and assume the role on 24 September 24. Adams succeeds Mark R. Allen, who will move... mehr
Bangladeschs Bombe tickt 

Lieferverzögerungen und Preissteigerungen nach Unruhen und Regierungssturz. Am 8. August, drei Tage nach dem Rücktritt von Sheikh Hasina und ihrer Flucht nach Indien, stellten die Luftfrachtanalysten von World ACD fest, dass sich die Tonnagen Richtung Europa wieder erholten,... mehr
Air cargo demand still climbing 

The International Air Transport Association (Iata) has released data for global air cargo markets in July 2024 showing continuing strong annual rise in demand. Total demand, measured in cargo tonne-kilometers (CTKs*), rose by 13.6% compared to July 2023 levels (14.3% for... mehr
From XPO to AFS 

AFS Logistics has appointed Andy Dyer as its new CEO. Dyer has more than a quarter of a century of supply chain and transport experience, including over 20 years at XPO Logistics, where, as senior vice president of managed transport, he was accountable for operations, sales, and... mehr
SAS emerges from restructuring proceedings 

SAS has successfully completed its restructuring proceedings, initiated two years ago, and emerged from chapter 11 in the USA and the reorganisation of the Swedish company, concluding in the investment of USD 1.2 billion. The new principal owners of the reorganised company,... mehr