Global container trade remains bullish
The container throughput index of the RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research and the Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL) largely as well as surprisingly recovered in December 2018 from its decline in November. It rose from (revised) 134.0 to 135.3 points,... mehr
Was lange währt .....
Die kurz vor Abschluss stehende Transaktion zwischen Mediterranean Shipping Company und Ignazio Messina & C. ist nach Aussagen beider Reedereien die bestmögliche Lösung. Für die Übernahme von Teilen der Messina durch MSC scheint das grösste Hindernis aus dem Weg geräumt worden... mehr
Bremenports preparing more space for BLG
The German port operator Bremenports has announced that a triangular tract of land close to the Weserport quay in the eastern port zone is to be newly developed in the near future. The just over 2 ha-sized fallow plot is one of the last that is available for expansion... mehr
Asashi Tanker and MOL pooling resources
The Japanese carrier MOL and Asahi Tanker have signed a contract to establish a pool operation company named Asahi MOL Tankers, and inked an agreement to launch MR-type product tankers that will be assigned to the new pool. MR stands for medium range and refers to product... mehr
Port of Oakland optimistic for 2019
The US port of Oakland says it is optimistic about its growth prospects in 2019. Maritime director John Driscoll acknowledged, however, that it is too soon to know exactly how freight markets will respond. He pointed out that Oakland’s containerised cargo volume reached an... mehr
Ein rundes Jahrfünft
Eitel Sonnenschein auf der Pressekonferenz 2019, die der am Ärmelkanal gelegene Hafen Dünkirchen traditionell in Lille ausrichtete. Die Resultate des Hafens in 2018 fügten sich in ein Retablissement ein, das die schweren Jahre 2008-2010 hinter sich lässt. mehr
APL rolling out new service
The CMA CGM affiliate APL is set to launch a new weekly sailing - the China Malaysia Service (CMS connecting north, central and southern China to the niche ports of Port Kelang, Penang and Pasir Gudang in Malaysia. Jointly developed with its vessel sharing partners, CMS will... mehr
K Line successful at Fukushima terminal
The first mission for Japan-headquartered K Line's “Grace River" has been completed: the vessel carried Ichthys LNG Project’s first LPG cargo to Japan and discharged it at the Kyushu Fukushima Terminal. The gas was imported into Japan by Astomos Energy Corporation. ... mehr
Free zone taking shape at port of Trieste
A new inland logistics and industrial facility is being set up at the port of Trieste (Italy). The process to transfer the legal free zone status to Bagnoli della Rosandra (BDR) in the area owned by the intermodal terminal Interporto di Trieste has started. The agreement... mehr
Port Trois-Rivières sees volume leap in 2018
2018 was a good year for the inland port of Trois-Rivières in Canada. The facility handled 3.8 million t of cargo, 47% more than in 2017, and a new peak compared to the 3.7 million t noted in 2014. Liquid bulk traffic remained stable at nearly 300,000 t, while solid bulk and... mehr