Inland shipping: a climate-friendly solution 

The inland shipping sector plays a crucial role in supporting Germany's energy transition, as it offers an eco-friendly alternative to road and rail transport. However, it faces challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, underfunding, and an insufficient recognition of its... mehr
Tanker saves 50 t of fuel per month 

Socatra, Syroco, and Total Energies have showcased significant fuel and emissions reductions on the tanker “Alcyone” using Syroco's weather routing platform combined with rotor sails. Operating on transpacific routes, the 183 m vessel achieved fuel savings of up to 21% through... mehr
Final approval granted for HHLA takeover 

MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company has secured all regulatory approvals for its voluntary public takeover offer of HHLA (Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG). Following earlier clearance by the European Commission, the final approval from Ukraine’s competition authority was granted... mehr
Sustainable shipping at port of Bilbao 

The United Nations' Resilience 4 Ports report, presented at COP 29, recognises the port of Bilbao's “BilbOPS” project for advancing climate resilience and sustainability in maritime operations. The initiative integrates onshore power supply (OPS) technology with renewable energy... mehr
A sustainable gateway for Latin America 

Cosco Shipping has officially commenced operations at Chancay Peru Terminal, its first green and smart port investment in South America. Situated 78 km north of Lima, this advanced deep-water port features four berths, including two berths for containers, and can handle 1... mehr
A JV to boost ship management 

Ocean Network Express (ONE) and Seaspan Corporation (Seaspan) have launched One Sea Solutions (One Sea), a joint venture focused on technical ship management and maritime talent development. Based in Singapore, the JV will manage container vessels owned or chartered by ONE,... mehr
Tender for a first e-fuel deployment 

The Zero Emission Maritime Buyers Alliance (Zemba) will launch a new tender in January 2025 aimed at driving the first commercial deployment of e-fuels in maritime transport, starting in 2027. By aggregating demand in 40 companies, Zemba intends to contract for 80 billion... mehr
On-site biosecurity inspections 

Victoria International Container Terminal (Vict) at the port of Melbourne has gained approval to conduct rural tailgate inspections under Australia’s approved arrangement class 14.4, enabling on-site biosecurity checks for containers bound for rural areas in Victoria.... mehr
Jubelfeier in Houston 

Die Breakbulk Americas Messe war ein würdiger Ort, um 20 Jahre Chipolbrok America zu feiern. Als China und Polen immer mehr Abfahrten von China und Fernost in die USA zählten, beschlossen die Chipolbrok-Anteilseigner auf beiden Seiten, eine eigene Vertretung in Houston zu... mehr
Prioritising innovation over cyber security 

DNV’s latest report reveals a high tolerance for cyber risk in the maritime industry, with 61% of professionals willing to accept greater cyber vulnerabilities if it supports digital innovation. This figure is notably higher than in other critical sectors such as energy and... mehr