Restructured Mediterranean routes 

Arkas Line is expanding its global shipping network with the launch of its India Med service (IMS) on 10 February, linking the Mediterranean and Indian markets. Operated with four vessels with capacities of 2,500-2,800 teu (which will increase to five in June), the IMS will... mehr
Landstrom im Grimaldi-Terminal 

Hafen Barcelona forciert Stromversorgung. Mit der Ankunft der Onshore-Stromversorgungssysteme am Grimaldi-Terminal in Barcelona, dem der Stadt am nächsten gelegenen Terminal, beginnt der Countdown für den Anschluss der ersten Fähren im kommenden Januar. mehr
500 Mio. EUR/Jahr 

Hoffnungen und Forderungen der deutschen Seehäfen. Der Zentralverband der deutschen Seehafenbetriebe (ZDS) plädiert für eine ambitioniertere Hafenpolitik in Berlin und erhöht die Forderung nach finanzieller Unterstützung durch den Bund. ITJ-Korrespondentin Claudia Behrend... mehr
Icebreaker project to drive expansion in shipyard 

Davie and Pearlson & Pearlson have partnered to modernise Davie’s shipyard in Lévis, Québec, supporting the construction of seven heavy icebreakers and two hybrid ferries under Canada’s national shipbuilding strategy (NSS). The upgrade includes six new buildings, five... mehr
BMS connects Malta, Adriatic, and East Med ports 

CMA CGM’s short sea lines division will launch the Bora Med Service (BMS) on 23 December 2024, linking Turkey, the Adriatic, Malta, and the Eastern Mediterranean with a weekly service. Operated by six 2,500 teu vessels, it will facilitate global trade through key ports,... mehr
Dry bulk fleet renewal faces uncertain future 

Dry bulk newbuilding contracting has dropped 70% below the yearly average in the past three months due to falling freight rates, uncertain market conditions, and high newbuilding prices, according to Bimco’s shipping analyst Filipe Gouveia. Weaker Chinese import demand and... mehr
Dual-fuel LNG carrier joins fleet 

UECC has added the dual-fuel LNG car carrier "Blue Aspire" to its eco-friendly fleet, boosting capacity on its European north-south trading route from mid-December. Delivered by CIMC Raffles Offshore Engineering, the 200 m pure car and truck carrier (PCTC) can... mehr
Moselle: lock closure disrupts supply chains 

The closure of the Moselle lock at the Müden barrage (Germany) after a ship collision has severely impacted the regional economy, particularly industries such as oil, food, and steel. Inland ports have called for prompt repairs and comprehensive updates from the waterway... mehr
Expanded services to drive trade opportunities 

Jaxport is set to extend its global trade connections in 2025 through strategic alliances with major ocean carriers following the dissolution of the 2M Alliance. Key developments include the Gemini Cooperation’s new direct service to Cartagena, Colombia, improving access to... mehr
Second neo-Panamax container ship delivered 

OOCL has unveiled its second 16,828 teu container vessel, “OOCL Iris,” built by Nantong Cosco KHI Ship Engineering (Nacks). This vessel, the second in a series of ten, features advanced technologies for operational efficiency, including an integrated data platform for fuel... mehr