A new perishables option in South Florida? 

Hendry County, FL and Airglades International (AIA) announced new progress in US PPP in airport development on 19 August 2019. Firstly, the FAA had deemed the application under the airport investment partnership programme to be "substantially complete", with... mehr
Testing the world's first AI-powered robotic cargo system 

Two Singapore-based partners, the ground-handling company Sats and the research platform for the improvement of Singapore's public transportation TUM Create, are exploring commercialisation opportunities for "Speedcargo", the world's first artificial intelligence (AI)... mehr
Chapman Freeborn brings MRI machine to Maldivian atoll 

Chapman Freeborn Airchartering and the Dubai (UAE)-based heavylift carrier Maximus Air recently teamed up to deliver the first MRI machine to Addu Atoll, the southernmost atoll in the Maldives archipelago. Before the machine arrived, patients of the Hithadhoo Regional Hospital... mehr
CAM continues to expand 

Air Transport Services Group (ATSG), a provider of aircraft leasing and air cargo transportation, reported that each of its principal business segments, aircraft leasing and air transport, generated higher revenues for the second quarter of 2019. The most important segment,... mehr
Der Überflieger vom Bosporus 

Mitte 2019 steht fest, dass die meisten Frachtfluglinien weltweit gegenüber dem besonders starken Vorjahr abschwächeln. Die grösste Ausnahme bildet Turkish Airlines. mehr
Suparna to connect Norway with Nanjing 

Starting on 1 September 2019, Suparna Airlines, which is part of the Chinese HNA Group that also owns and operates Hainan Airlines, will operate a twice weekly B747-400F service connecting Oslo airport (Norway) with Nanjing in China. Located west of Shanghai, Nanjing is well... mehr
Klagenfurt airport to become a business hub 

The majority shareholder Lilihill Capital (74.9%) intends to expand the airport in Klagenfurt (KLU, Austria) to become "the most modern, most efficient and most passenger-friendly airport in Europe until 2024". A plan to this effect, according to which funds of... mehr
Avianca Brasil leaves Star Alliance 

The Brazilian airline Ocean Air Linhas Aéreas, headquartered in São Paulo and formerly operating under the name of Avianca Brasil, will formally leave the Star Alliance with effect from 1 September 2019. Ocean Air’s withdrawal follows several months of bankruptcy protection and... mehr
Emirates Skycargo wins award in Kuala Lumpur 

Emirates SkyCargo, the freight division of Emirates, was presented with the award for "Best Customer Airline 2018" by the ground handling division of MAB Kargo for having transported the largest volume of air cargo from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (Malaysia)... mehr
[Translate to Deutsch:] Nexxiot and Unilode launch joint... 

[Translate to Deutsch:] Nexxiot, a Switzerland-based enabler of the digitised supply chain, is now an official partner of Unilode Aviation Solutions. The aim of this cooperation is to implement a globally unique project: the entire fleet of Unilode's ULDs (125,000) is to be... mehr