Special hazmat load securely delivered
Woodinville Whiskey recently called upon Lynden’s subsidiary LTI to haul its premium 140-proof whiskey in the USA from Woodinville, WA to its aging and bottling facility in Quincy, WA. Because the whiskey is flammable, the load qualifies as a hazmat, food-grade load. LTI... mehr
Die Doppel-Lösung?
In Kenia könnte in Kürze die von den Chinesen errichtete neue Normalspurbahn von der aus Kolonialzeiten stammenden Meterspurbahn Konkurrenz bekommen. Angesichts der schwierigen Lage der kenianischen Infrastruktur sind Gleisertüchtigungen willkommen. mehr
Two power ladies underway in Germany
VTG and its subsidiary Retrack and ELP signed a long-term leasing contract for up to four Euro Dual locomotives last year. The first two locomotives were successfully tested by the subsidiaries in Braunschweig, Germany recently. The new locomotives can pull up to 30% more... mehr
Tragedy shows need for new standards
The explosion of a fuel tanker at the customs office of the Islam Qala border crossing between Afghanistan and Iran has destroyed over 500 vehicles, leaving many injured, some fatally, and causing an estimated USD 40 million in damage. Sadly, this could have been avoided, the... mehr
1.2 million t of CO2 saved
Last year, Hupac saved around 1.2 million t of CO2 and around 13 billion megajoules of energy compared to pure road transport. This corresponds to a reduction of 89% in CO2 emissions and 74% in energy consumption. Also in the current year, Hupac is committed to... mehr
Track to “Titanium Valley” under construction
Russian Railways (RZD) has started the construction of railway infrastructure to support the “Titanium Valley” special economic zone in Sverdlovsk Oblast in the Russian Urals federal district. The building and installation works have been organised simultaneously at two... mehr
Border checks: IRU fears severe damage
In response to Germany's new entry regulations, the Austrian federal state of Tyrol began to control and throttle road haulage traffic already on the Brenner Pass on Sunday, 14 February 2021. This measure is intended to avoid a gridlock in the Inn valley. Because of the... mehr
Debut heavy-duty trip a success
A 4-axle heavy-duty semitrailer tractor from the new MAN truck generation was recently used for the first time in a heavy-duty convoy made up of three units. The convoy’s job was to transport a tube-welding line in Germany from Lebach in Saarland to the Saarlouis port to be... mehr
Intermodal freight traffic gains momentum
Transport performance in goods traffic in Switzerland fell by 2.2% in 2019 compared to the previous year. Road haulage reported a decline of 2.7% and railfreight dropped by 1.4%, the Federal Statistical Office (BFS) said. Transport performance on the Swiss road and railway... mehr
45 new projects to generate 800 new jobs
Genesee & Wyoming’ (G&W) has announced its 2020 US industrial development results, with 45 new projects representing USD 1.6 billion in customer investments expected to generate more than 800 new jobs in communities served by G&W’s freight railroads. Highlights... mehr