26 forwarders acquired in just eight years
PS Logistics has finalised the acquisition of Noble Trucking and Noble Logistics via its DMT Trucking subsidiary. The price of the transaction was not disclosed. The transaction will further strengthen DMT Trucking’s operations in USA with the addition of over 400 power... mehr
Short line rail road starts operation
Kinston Railroad (KNR) recently began operating rail services in North Carolina, USA. The wholly owned subsidiary of Jaguar Transport Holdings acquired leasehold rights to 10 km of track owned by the NC department of transportation. The railroad will interchange with Norfolk... mehr
Solution to improve container use
The Azerbaijani transport company ADY Container recently carried out a new intermodal transport from Azerbaidjan to China for aluminium producer Azeraliumium using the Trans-Caspian transport route. The block train runs from Ganja to Pinguyan and transports 50 forty feet... mehr
Swiss transport group expands in Turkey
Interrail, a rail transport services provider headquartered in St Gallen (Switzerland), has opened an independent operating company in Turkey. The new company is registered under the name InterRail Uluslararası Nakliyat ve Lojistik Hizmetler T.A.S. and is based in Istanbul.... mehr
Fully electric medicine transport
Georges Riederer is driving decarbonisation forward. The Swiss transport company has taken delivery of three fully electric E-Tech Masters from Renault. The vehicles will be used primarily to transport medicines over the last mile to pharmacies and drugstores in Switzerland.... mehr
Rijeka gains significance as European gateway
A new direct cargo rail service has been launched with the creation of the first regular train connection between the Adriatic Gate Container Terminal (AGCT) in Rijeka, Croatia, and Paskov in Czechia. The Maersk rail service runs up to two times per week. It is operated by... mehr
Construction activity impacts combined transport
Traffic on Hupac's network amounted to 575,000 road consignments in H1/2022, representing a small increase of 1% compared to 2021. After a lively development in Q1/2022, traffic slumped in April and June due to route closures and capacity restrictions caused by extensive... mehr
Goldene Nase aus Müll
Potenzial für den Schienentransport. Letzten November hat die österreichische Regierung die Weichen für eine forcierte Nutzung der Schiene für den Transport von Müll gestellt. Eine Bahn, die begierig danach ist, sich die Hände schmutzig zu machen, setzt ein flexibles... mehr
Provozierter Stau
Störung im türkisch-bulgarischen Grenzverkehr. Nahrungsmittel sind aktuell knapp und teuer. Um so unverständlicher ist der Wechsel eines Veterinärdienstleisters an der südlichen EU-Grenze. Es wird Korruption vermutet. mehr
Funding for alternative drives in rail transport
CO2-neutral technologies are also needed for the railways if the transport sector wants to achieve its climate protection goals as planned. In Germany, the application procedure for subsidies for climate-friendly drive systems in rail transport runs until 31 August 2022. EUR... mehr