Fisch auf dem Trockenen 

Von See zu See. Lkw fahren nicht übers Wasser und Schiffe nicht über Land. Manchmal wird aber auch diese Logik ausgehebelt. Genau dann, wenn z.B. der Schiffsbetrieb des einen Schweizer Sees, des 15 x 25 km grossen Walensees, der Schifffahrt des Zugersees (13,7 x 4,6 km) ein... mehr
Three roundtrips between Brwinow and Rotterdam 

The Swiss intermodal provider Hupac is expanding its business by increasing the number of direct services from its Brwinow terminal near Warsaw, Poland to Rotterdam in the Netherlands. With easy connections to/from the UK, Ireland and Portugal, the shuttle train will run... mehr
Locomotive fleet grows to 36 Vectrons 

The Polish locomotive leasing company Cargounit has ordered up to 30 Vectron MS locomotives from Siemens Mobility. The framework agreement includes the delivery of ten units by the end of 2023 and an option for 20 additional locomotives by 2024 as well as maintenance services.... mehr
Faster and more cost-effective than rail and air 

A new TIR route bridges the gap between China’s east coast and Central Asia and connects Uzbekistan to China’s coastal city of Qingdao. The first convoy, including Uzbek TIR trucks carrying blackcurrants, recently completed the maiden run from Samarkand to Qingdao passing... mehr
More investors for autonomous trucking 

Fernride has closed a further USD 19 million in its Series A funding, pushing the total round amount to USD 50 million. The increase in funding will further cement the company’s position as a specialist in autonomous, electric trucking. The second closing comes just weeks... mehr
Juwel am Rio Grande 

Nr. 1 in den USA für internationalen Handel. Das an der texanisch-mexikanischen Grenze gelegene Laredo zählt zwar nur eine Viertelmillion Einwohner, ist aber eine der am schnellsten wachsenden Städte der USA. In einer für Transport und Logistik massgeblichen Kategorie hält sie... mehr
More than an H2 filling station 

Maier Korduletsch, Paul Group and Shell have opened a hydrogen mobility hub in Passau, Germany. In addition to conventional fuels, the filling station offers two H2 fuel pumps with 350 bar for trucks as well as twelve HPC fast charging points for cars and trucks. The... mehr
Proper destruction of fraud material 

Customs in Ruse (Bulgaria) informed the ÖBB Rail Cargo Group (RCG) as the holder of the 'EUR in Oval' trademark about the suspension of Euro pallets. The case involved a truck carrying Euro pallets from Ukraine bound for Bulgaria. The pictures sent by customs to the RCG clearly... mehr
Crediting renewable fuels with CCF 

The European Parliament's transport committee has voted in favour of the inclusion of renewable fuels in the CO2 emission standards for heavy-duty vehicles and in favour of crediting renewable fuels by means of a carbon correction factor (CCF). This is a clear signal for a... mehr
A regular container train from Moscow to Siberia 

Transcontainer has launched a regular domestic service for container deliveries from the Moscow region to Omsk in Siberia. Transit time is three days. The company is expecting to operate three trains a month to start with. The service is focused on the shipment of food products... mehr