Trains can also ship LNG
Rail wagon company VTG has successfully completed the first trial transport of cryogenic liquefied natural gas (LNG) for Liqvis, a builder and operator of LGN infrastructure and fully-owned subsidiary of the energy company Uniper, in Germany.
The gas was transported in a tank wagon that had been specially developed for the purpose in partnership with the manufacturer Chart Ferox.
The cargo was loaded on the premises of Brunsbüttel Ports on the Elbe River and then shipped by rail to the Uniper power plant in Ingolstadt, around 800 km away.
With this project, Liqvis is investigating the feasibility of transporting LNG by rail as an important alternative. Trains could carry large quantities at the same time. Furthermore, the railways generally offer a high degree of safety for this type of transport, VTG said. (ben)