
  • Photo: WorldACD


Artikel Nummer: 35662

General cargo's global growth potential

According to air cargo analyst WorldACD, February showed a worldwide year-on-year (YoY) weight increase of 1.1%, accompanied by a yield/rate increase in USD of 84%. After a strong volume drop in the middle of the month, the end of the month showed a strong recovery.


In all regions the yield/rate growth YoY continues to be stronger in general cargo than in special cargo. That is not the case when it comes to volumes: with a YoY growth of 29%, vulnerable cargo & high tech very clearly outpace not only the market as a whole, but also score much better than all other large special cargo categories, including pharma/temp, which were all negative.


From Asia Pacific, the high tech segment increased by more 25% in each regional direction, fuelled by the worldwide demand for work-from-home devices. (ah)





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