
  • Photo: Logwin

27.10.2022 Von: Christian Doepgen

Artikel Nummer: 42755

Continuing to develop well overall

The Logwin Group, a Grevenmacher-based Luxembourgian logistician, has said that it has performed well so far in 2022, despite difficult conditions, which have also seen freight rates fall from their historic high in the course of this year.


The corporation generated revenues of around EUR 1.78 billion in the first nine months of financial 2022, exceeding the previous year’s revenues (EUR 1.26 billion). Its air + ocean business segment provided the lion’s share of sales, almost EUR 1.43 billion, well above the previous year's figure of EUR 1.02 billion. Its ‘solutions’ unit generated more than EUR 350 million in sales.


Overall, the group achieved an Ebitda of EUR 106 million in the first nine months of the year, a significant increase over 2021’s EUR 67 million, and generated a net result of EUR 64 million (EUR 52 million in 2021).


The Logwin Group continues to expect revenues for the full year 2022 to develop at the previous year's level, assuming that freight rates continue to decline. (cd)


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