Cargo sous terrain gets additional boost
With the federal law on underground freight transport in Switzerland, the innovative logistics system Cargo sous terrain (CST) will have the legal basis it requires to implement the project under stable conditions. The commission for transport and telecommunications of the council of states fully supports the law.
Parallel to the legislative process, CST is pushing its own project and product development to create a sustainable overall logistics system.
At the same time, CST is working to broaden its financial base while increasing the majority of Swiss shareholders. Five new investors were welcomed at the 2021 general meeting: the Micros pension fund, the Micros Aare cooperative, Siemens Swiss AG and Erne AG Bauunternehmung.
With these companies, CST is expanding its shareholder base not only financially, but also structurally with the entry of the first pension fund and with additional know-how for customer-oriented design and construction. (amh)