
  • Vorstandsvorsitzender Frank Dreeke wagt keine Prognose für das Geschäftsjahr 2020. Photo: BLG


Artikel Nummer: 32354

BLG Logistics shows solid performance in 2019

BLG Logistics reported sales of 1.159 billion in FY 2019, 1.5% up from 2018. Earnings before tax amounted to EUR 37.5 million.


Automobile was the strongest division in terms of sales, generating EUR 603.7 million in 2019. Sales revenue climbed by 9.1% compared to the previous year. The contract logistics and container divisions posted slight declines, though.


Currently, the BLG Group is not able to give a reliable forecast for business development in 2020. CEO Frank Dreeke anticipates that original expectations cannot be met. However, he emphasises that BLG Logistics has a solid financial basis and a robust position. He is confident that it will weather the storm. (mw)




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