
  • Photo: BGL


Artikel Nummer: 43249

BASF first client of ‘Chemical Trusted Carrier’

Trusted Carrier (TC), newly formed in mid-2021 by BGL, Germany’s national association for road freight transportation, logistics and waste management, has achieved its first goals. TC, a cloud-based system to optimise data flows between transport companaies and shippers, has developed a bundle of logistics services in cooperation with software partners and partners from the chemical industry and chemical logistics.


With this system, logistics processes can be organised more efficiently and cost-effectively, which helps to reduce time-consuming and cost-intensive standing and waiting times.


After completion of the test phase, BASF in Ludwingshafen (Germany) now wants to be the first company to implement the ‘Chemical Trusted Carrier’ programme in operations for its thousands of truck runs daily, BGL said. (ben)




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